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11/29/11 8:57 PM

#5663 RE: Market_Fest4 #5662

MarketFest, Yes, and the luminaries running our country for their banking cartel masters were the ones who dreamt up and funded 'Islamic extremism' in the first place, as a convenient replacement for 'World Communism' as the chief global boogeyman.

In the 1970s, Brzezinski (ie - Rockefeller) overthrew their previous murderous puppet the Shah of Iran (he was becoming too intent on modernizing Iran with 12 nuclear power plants), and started aggressively funding a forever backward version of Islamic fundamentalism. He believed (accurately) that this would be the perfect vehicle for destabilizing the already fragmented Southern flank of the Soviet Union.

It worked, but now 30 years later, the bankster dominated West is bankrupt, sinking ever further into the bankster's swamp of debt usury. So the entire Middle East/world is trying to leave the orbit of the dying US/West in favor of the ascendant China/BRICS. The banking cartel's response? Not to compete fairly with the Chinese for world influence based on regular economics. No, the banksters have seen to it that the West has nothing left to offer anyone except financial derivatives and other worthless parasitic debt 'products'. That's all the West produces now, along with rap music and sleazy movies, our sickening 'contribution' to civilization. Instead of fair economic competion, the useless banking parasites of the West decided to overthrow all the modern leaders in the Middle East and turn everything over to the backward Muslin Brotherhood (which the West helped create).

The larger goal is to destroy the modern nation state (and not just in the Middle East, but everywhere), sinking the world into a backward NeoFeudalism - a world of small weak micro/mini states, with no one able to resist the decadent non-productive Western banking cartel. The US can no longer offer things of an economic nature to the world. We actually could, even after 30 years of destructive globalization, but that is not in the bankster's parasitic nature, for their specialty is feeding off and wrecking civilizations.