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11/28/11 4:59 AM

#62 RE: rbtree #61

"Now who is the quack?"

"Dr." Burzynski, of course:

"We close by echoing the concluding thoughts of the late Judge
Alvin Rubin in one of the previous lawsuits involving Dr.
Burzynski.31 Cancer victims, such as Huey Roberts, often are understandably eager to pursue any course of treatment, whatever
its cost or efficacy, that offers the faintest hope of preserving
life. Their plight commands sympathy, but also attracts
opportunists. The State of Texas and the Federal Food and Drug
Administration have stepped in to protect cancer patients from
those who would prey on their vulnerability. While we do not
impute evil motives to Dr. Burzynski*, neither can we conclude that
he is beyond the laws written to protect his patients. When he
oversteps their bounds, the resulting costs are his to bear.
The district court's judgment is AFFIRMED."

*After another seventeen years of defrauding patients after this court judgement, without a single peer-reviewed article confirming any efficacy, but many articles from other institutes who are unable to replicate the results that "Dr. " Burzynski claims, I do impute evil motives to "Dr." Burzynski. Simply put, he's scum.