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11/25/11 3:02 PM

#33745 RE: igotthemojo #33741

This is not true Mojo.

first, the asset would actually have to be an asset..not a pretend asset or maybe an asset or could be an asset

If Kim buys an empty shack it is an asset. It could only be a shack worth $50 but it is a 50 dollar asset.

yes im sure thats just what it will be called..but that doesnt meant it will be worth it..many things could go wrong (starting with paying too much) that could turn that "asset" into an albatross...

Since you seem to be sticking me with my 1 million dollar price tag quote which was obviously used only as a reference number. I would like to have you explain or show me how an asset turns into a bird?

To respond to your implied statement... If Kim Spent more on a business then it was worth he would not be a CEO. CEOs dont survive very long by paying too much for things.
I would also say that Kim would not want to buy a liability so he is not looking for a bankrupt company.
He is looking to increase his share value
(only his shares, not ours cause we know he doesn't care about us. Our gain is just collateral damage)

Since that is the case the company he would buy would have an income(which is an asset), and bills that come with it ( Which are liabilities. As long as the assets are greater then the liabilities). Kim is doing just fine.

I don't think someone as smart as Kim is suddenly going to go "rainman" on us and show he is only smart in one direction. So far his brains seem to work in all directions just fine.

uh, no..that is not how google made their investors rich.....and i thought pure spider silk was how kblb was going to make its investors rich?...did kblb take a left turn some where along the way?..

ummmm.... No Mojo. You have things quite confused. Pure spidersilk is only a product. Like any other business the product just sits there. The Business plan is what makes you rich. Following a profitable business plan is the ONLY thing that can make a company rich.

Do you think a Chia pet is out there making money because it is an awesome product?? Hell no. But that song from the 2 am commercial is stuck in everyone's head. When they go to the store looking for a gift and cant think of anything do you think they buy a chia pet because it is so cool?... or a good source of food?.. or cause it is so new? Hell no. The marketing of the product done by a brilliant CEO made the chia pet a household name for 40 years.

Compared to the disposable diaper. The guy who invented it was told over and over it was a useless idea and would never sell. He sold his patent for pennies and they guy who bought it named his company Pampers

and as a reminder, the market says 98% of pink sheets fail...they fail because they are scams...because they were not properly financed..because they had a dream the just couldnt fulfill...because the ceo didnt know what he was doing...because things just didnt work out for one reason or another...but the fact is they almost all fail.......and every single pink sheet company had investors who said they knew this but believed their company was the exception...and had points to bring up that made them believe so....

Also as a reminder the market says 2% of pinks succeed. The succeed because they are not scams .... they have the financing they need to continue forward without the debt of overpaid employees and CEOs...they have CEOs with vision and the intelligence to back up the vision.... they have reputable people and institutions backing them up and supporting the business plans.. and every single pinksheet company that was the exception had a message board with uninformed people on it saying it will never happen..

first mike

11/25/11 4:54 PM

#33746 RE: igotthemojo #33741

Hi Mojo,

es1 said:"If Kim buys a million dollar business with shares That is not toxic"
Mojo replies:
it is most certainly dilutive..and the whole point was the dilution.. [emphasis mine - ML]
....everyone puts such an emphasis on dd as if spending a lot of time looking for details all over the net is what is going to make your investment grow....
all anyone needs to do is the a little fundamental analysis..a little t/a..check the history of the company it to others....
...if anyone wants to spend a lot of time learning about something, forget kblb and spend your time on the market
...just dont waste so much time doing "dd" on it...thats time better spent on the market...

Perhaps if I explain it one more time you and/or others here will understand.
Talking about dilution.
Expansion, bringing its existing product to market, is becoming a very important part of KBLB's future.
It has been mentioned in past SEC reports, but IMHO the timing is now right for this to happen.
(the Monster Silk tm. worms are almost ready!)
KBLB will have no need for production real estate if they go straight to an existing production company facility.
Out Of The Icebox and Onto The Farm!!
But How can a company with no money buy another company larger than itself? or form a joint venture with such a company?

By paying for that company with KBLB shares, and licensed IP and Monster Silk tm. eggs.

The existing silk production company contributes all of the infrastructure and facilities.
KBLB contributes shares, Monster Silk tm. IP, and starter egg stock from its refrigerators.
KBLB forms a new subsidiary production co. "Kraig Super Silk Inc. and sends the little troops from the fridge out to start eating and spinning.
There will be very little time lost because the production company is already farming and reeling silk, and the new worms will be ready to slip into the production line.
Additional financing for the new company can be raised if needed by a new public offering of stock in the new company.

This will be a MAJOR dilution in terms of new shares of KBLB stock issued (probably restricted), but it will NOT be a monetary or capital dilution because ownership of the new subsidiary will greatly increase the book value of KBLB.

This of course assumes that Kim Thomson is not a fool.
If you believe that he is a fool or a crook then you should get out Now!

This last does not apply to Mojo since he says he does not own any shares of KBLB stock.
This is presumably why he does not need to do DD or try to understand the science.
I am not attacking Mojo.
Mojo is an Honest man. He has stated these facts openly and urges others to join him in this strategy.
He makes his money by buying KBLB low and selling on the rise.
Since he currently does not own any KBLB shares, his best way to make money is to drive down the PPS of KBLB and buy at the bottom.

Mike L.