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11/25/11 10:39 AM

#3415 RE: pastorboy #3413

Pastorboy, I respect your views as well as many others that have expressed their disdain with CD. We all agree that CD is a horrible presentor. We all know that he is a great geologist.

What I think some are losing sight of is that we need to find the goods so that we have something to present. That process normally takes much much much much longer than it has taken CD thusfar. In that respect, CD has put this EXPLORation project on a very rapid track in mining terms. CD was smart enough to recognize the potential of the porphyry. He was quick enough to buy the property for a great price of $250,000 that hosted the biggest ever Timmins porphyry and 3 other smaller ones too. Since the initial aquisition just two years ago, CD has already drilled the equivalent of almost 100 deep holes and hit gold in 99% of those holes. He has used the wedging process to speed up the process and to keep costs at a minimum. That is no small feat.

Furthermore, CD or was it MB sold McCoach on the story and McCoach sold many subscribers on the story - myself included. CD was a hero back then. It was not a pump and dump except perhaps that perception may have been created by those original investors who bragged about playing free shares only after having sold half their position at $1.63 or thereabout. Such bragging hurt the credibility of those trying to promote this stock and probably resulted in more selling than would have otherwise taken place. That in turn made it more difficult to raise money at a reasonble price.

None of that however changes the fact that TPW and our other properties have tremedous promise. Since then I and many others have put effort into communicating the potential of TPW while others simply focus on the current price.

Sure we all would prefer that a better story teller (such as Steve Jobs) could be afforded the opportunity to tell our story. Frankly, I think McCoach could be doing a much better job promoting the other properties and the plans to split the company up via a dividend in the form of free shares.

Furhtermore, in light of the fact that MB did such a good job convincing Greg McCoach to carry this story pehaps we should ask Mike Ballanger to do that job if he is willing to do it. I'd be willing to contribute some writing time if it would help.

That said, MB already has a job so who else can we hire to do it? I'm open to suggestion. My suggestion is that we take our gripe up with CD personally or at the shareholder meeting instead of airing them on financial social networks where CD cannot respond or defend his position.

CD is CD. Much to our collective shegrin I don't think he is going to change his communication style at his age. That having been said, all of us need to remember that we need him to find the gold. I seriously doubt that anyone can do it as quickly and cost efficiently as he can. In fact, I'm sure of it.

One more thing, CD works for $39,000 per year. If we hire a CEO that demands $200,000 per year we would have to give CD a comparable raise. Whose money would pay for that? I think it would be our money. In effect that would increase the management salary by 10 times in the blink of an eye. Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth. EXS at these prices is a BIG gift. Those that can should probably take it while it is there for the taking.
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11/26/11 2:37 AM

#3422 RE: pastorboy #3413

Here are some ideas,FWIW.One of us could call Gary or CD
about marketing EXS,with your idea.Another possibility,is to contact someone else by phone or e-mail with the Aureport like
Rick Rule or someone else and tell them the geological facts,and
see if they will give this stock more publicity.1 of our board members recommended Sean Broderick of Money and Markets to
advertise.I called Gary 2 weeks ago,he sounded interested in the M&M idea,and asked me to e-mail him with their contact info,which I did.I haven't heard back from Gary,but I know he has been busy,from the Germany show,and Thanksgiving.My guess is,that by
this week coming up,he will be caught up.
On the other hand,if the JV takes place within 2 months,we won't need anyone to market EXS.With more drills turning,more gold will be found much faster.When the news is posted,with all those gold finds,the market will take notice.
The SP will go up well over $1.00,and the time frame for the buyout will be shortened.I still say the main missing link holding us back is the JV hasn't taken place yet,but it will,IMO.
Based on 2 articles I have read about majors looking to build up ounces of gold,and M&A activity expected to take place,something's got to give.Sooner or later the JV should take place,based on what EXS has on TPW.
If anyone on this board thinks the main thing we need is to market EXS,to give it a "Shot in the arm",I recommend some
of the ideas listed above,to help market the product. If anyone
thinks I have bad ideas,at least I tried and gave it my best shot,
or close to it.