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11/24/11 6:17 PM

#5570 RE: ombowstring #5569

The world may not have a choice. It's impossible to control everything, especially when so much is out of control. One thing I wouldn't put much thought or emphasis into though, bar nothing; The end of the world!
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11/24/11 11:04 PM

#5573 RE: ombowstring #5569

Ombow, >>> I just don't think that the world is ready for such a massive overhaul of the global economic system <<<

They will when the hyped crisis hits. As in Fall 2008, the level of fear will be off the charts, and people will demand that something be done. In the scenario laid out by author Robert Bonomo, everyone 'wins', at least that will be their perception at the time -

#1 - The banking cartel is cleansed of toxic derivatives, and they get their global SDR based money system and single central bank . This is the goal of the whole exercise. The cartel has been working toward this for eons, it's their Holy Grail.

#2 - The sovereign national debt, owed by 'the people', is instantly cut in half. With the debt-clogged system now unclogged, economic activity can boom once more. Jobs return, and the sheeple once more go back into their benign slumber of football and American Idol.

#3 - Provisions to control spending and to balance national budgets give the cartel more centralized control over national spending and taxing policies. This is a key part of the cartel's 'Holy Grail' wish list.

#4 - Holders of US sovereign debt (the Fed, China, Arabs) will take a haircut, but the biggest holder of US debt, the Federal Reserve, won't care one iota. To them it's just a book entry. The Chinese take a big haircut, but will benefit by having their currency becoming a key part of the new SDR system, and the export economies of China and the Arabs will benefit hugely as the world economy, now unclogged of debt, experiences a spectacular boom.

This is all just a scenario, but it makes a lot of sense. We know what the banking cartel wants (global SDR system, global central bank, and a post-crisis pacified public). All it will take is a sufficient crisis atmosphere, and the cartel will ride to the rescue with this prearranged solution.

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11/25/11 12:42 PM

#5588 RE: ombowstring #5569

Who cares if the world is ready for anything? Stuff happens, weather we're ready or not.