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Replies to #57801 on MediaG3 (MDGC)
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11/24/11 1:06 PM

#57802 RE: jus1dering #57801

Thank you very much, Much better than I hoped it would be. Finally got some verification.
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11/24/11 1:11 PM

#57803 RE: jus1dering #57801

Sincere thanks jus1dering, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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11/24/11 2:09 PM

#57804 RE: jus1dering #57801

Awesome! That is all I can say, Awesome! Thanks jus1dering. I believe MDGC is now solidly on its way. Soon the market, industry, and the world will be clamoring to get access to MDGC's wireless broadband. It blows my At&T DSL Extreme out of the water.
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11/24/11 7:16 PM

#57810 RE: jus1dering #57801

Where's the LINK? Or is this video thing a figment of folks' imaginations?