"Your opinion; what do you think the U's are worth with a DIMEQ win."
With a Dime Ltw WIN, the U's ain't worth bupkis.
Same goes for the U's with a Dime LOSS, except you're probably worth off, because as gophilipgo pointed out earlier today, JMW calling a LOSS for DIMEQ would tell that Equity will not be treated properly/fairly in her court. If the Ltw's are toast, I don't even see crumbs left for U's.
They might be worth the price of a bullet that JPMC might want to put in the back of each shareholder's head, "execution-style," and strictly metaphorically speaking, off course. JPMC "might" pay about 10 cents per share, if only to get this albatross off their necks, and sweep this very visible problem under the rug, but I couldn't the releases being much north of that.
Tomorrow's Dime victory (I'm optimistic), doesn't really mean anything to the U's, except to some feel comfort in knowing that the Judge will tell the Debtor that she's not going to roll over and play dead for them (as they would surely prefer that she do).
These are purely guesstimates, based on MY "opinions," as this is what you asked. I could be flat-out wrong.