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11/22/11 11:08 AM

#967 RE: Ecomike #965

Well, i have learned the hard way never to trust pink sheet IR excuses. In each and every instance it is ALWAYS someone else's fault,,,, according to IR. The fact that this Clemenson has little background beyond finding his name at the bottom of numerous failing pink sheet pr's is cause for concern. If what he says is true, then whty has ABAT not made a public announcment?
Also, I sent an email to Clemensen, asked these questions;

Can you tell us if and when the company will offer investors the courtesy of making a public announcement regarding this issue?
Can we expect the Q to be filed anytime soon?
What are the plans to replace the CFO?

He failed to address any question and simply replied that I could call him to discuss ABAT. His refusal to submit comments in writting is a very bad sign! Dog, beware of Clemensen