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11/22/11 10:03 AM

#35789 RE: ajg7672 #35788

Great point...
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selfish burrito

11/22/11 10:06 AM

#35790 RE: ajg7672 #35788

A correctly spelled email address at the end would have helped too. I wonder how many potential investors have had their emails bounce back.
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Toshibas Style

11/22/11 11:46 AM

#35796 RE: ajg7672 #35788

Completely agree with your points. Many of them were a repeat of the comments, concerns and recommendations brought up yesterday. I thought amateur hour was about over, but it appears someone reset the clock.

Since Swank is against hiring a PROFESSIONAL public relations firm I am willing to:

1. Purchase and register a domain
2. Manage the standardization of the company email addresses
3. Purchase a copy of MS Word (it has cool features built in that check grammar and spelling)
4. Proof-read PRs prior to submission

I will do all of that free of charge.