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11/18/11 2:11 PM

#303785 RE: scorpio70 #303783

So Mr. Nice Guy (I think you always referred to him as Mister Vucicevich) took you to the cleaners ? The man who spoke 5 languages fluently ? The man who was so obviously well educated ? Oh, and the religious Suljas who treated you as a son ? I guess they kinda took advantage too eh ?


11/18/11 3:21 PM

#303787 RE: scorpio70 #303783

Writing was on the wall from the first time the RCMP's paid Scammer Black Petard a visit.


02/09/12 11:16 AM

#304015 RE: scorpio70 #303783

think you'll see any of your investment returned to you? maybe the OSC will come through?