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11/17/11 5:13 PM

#50074 RE: Cougar6 #50067

I agree "Storm must go". Not only did the company's attorney advise against the forum and decline to participate, but the attorney who was handling this case, Markle,didn't participate. Storm refused questions about the T-mobile case because T-mobile may be watching but yet after waving at the camera and saying hi to Drago he went on to say we could not win the case against Drago......before the agreement was even written. When talk turns to litigation Storm should be a prime target.


11/17/11 5:28 PM

#50076 RE: Cougar6 #50067

I think Storm is a dirty lawyer, who VERY clearly has been working against his clients interests, in favor of a crooked management who are working for Daic, not shareholders, in almost exactly the same way that Buchalter Nemer appears they were working for the crooked management, and not the company and its shareholders.

Stunning that it appears, from posting here on IHub, that he may also have OTHER known linkages with Daic... that would conflict with his ever having agreed to represent the company ? But, the links apparent in the effort he undertook enabling the management in subverting the company, through his clear support of the rogue managements efforts, are "sufficient" and bad enough.

Buchalter Nemer clearly enough, as is shown in the court filings, knew that attending the "shareholders meeting" would cross a line that would prove they were dirty, too... but, Storm DID attend... so, Buchalter Nemer's analysis of their own risk seems it is an second indictment of Storm... while his performance at the event in itself appears to not leave any question that he has very grossly violated his fiduciary duties to his clients... the company and the shareholders... NOT the rogue officers... while supporting the officers criminal attempt to subvert governance.

I believe Buchalter Nemer and Storm are both flagrantly guilty of malpractice.

It obviously stretches credulity to think they were "misled"... rather than knowing participants who were fully intending to be "misled" as a last grasp at a defense of their actions... who were perhaps even directing the effort in misleading themselves ?

Storm clearly can't claim to have been "misled"...

It clearly makes all of his work "suspect"... and will make it important to know more about his relationship with Daic and T-Mobile, as he has been "negotiating with them" "for us"... while clearly working against our interest.