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Lucky Loser

11/16/11 11:47 AM

#7416 RE: emergingmarketinvestor #7414

Where's your part in all of this?

Are you putting your own money in to help support the bid?

Are you buying on the ask?

If you've answered no to these questions, then that's called "Wanting one's Cake".

Are you depending on others to lift the share price? If so, then that's called "Eating it too".

The company's moving forward, eventually meeting its obligations to S/H's. Sometimes in fits and starts, but its getting there.

Once it begins to allow S/H Happiness to dictate its every move, that's the time I'll want out.

And BTW, your fire/brimstone rants only exacerbates the sentiment. If PPS is your concern, you certainly aren't doing yourself any favor.