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11/14/11 9:30 PM

#160288 RE: kozuh #160286

kozuh -- your sense and awareness of relative time scales need work

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11/14/11 10:47 PM

#160301 RE: kozuh #160286

Climate Denial Crock of the Week - Solar Schmolar

kozuh .. tell us why science tell us our toposphere seems to be warming while above that closer to the sun the stratosphere seems to be cooling .. why not "uniform all the way down"? .. also why the planet warms at night "at the same rate as during the day"? .. and at the poles, and why there is "more warming in winter than during the summer? .. more here ..

see these AGAIN ..

kozuh .. Global Cooling Myth ..

kozuh, meaningless .. bottom line is YOU, and more Americans than in most
advanced industrial countries still refuse to accept the best science we have.

kozuh .. Horner promotes discredited green jobs study, pushes conspiracy theory involving CAP, DOE ..

kozuh, for some reason i think YOU HAVE seen my recent Maunder Minimums ..

kozuh, [added] Senator James Inhofe Rehashed Skeptic Screed Getting Old

maybe these for your first time ..

Climate: What You Need to Know

WOW!! .. doncha just LOVE those images!!!

Visitors to Greenland’s ice sheet, 2008; photograph by Olaf Otto Becker

Bill McKibben’s new book is a passionate appeal from a writer who has dedicated his efforts to warning of the risks posed by human-driven climate change. It describes the challenges we face—whether from effects on the environment that are already occurring, or from those that will occur due to the greenhouse gases we have already emitted and are likely to emit in the coming decades—if we do not act to curb emissions. But while McKibben insists on the importance of strong action to reduce those risks, he struggles to find grounds for optimism and often tilts toward a pessimism that has characterized recent works by other environmentalists, such as James Lovelock. ..

the reply to that one .. “The world is getting warmer”

How hot is it? Masters reports nine countries have smashed all-time temperature
records, “making 2010 the year with the most national extreme heat records.”

Global Dimming? .. — gavin @ 18 January 2005 - (Français) .. 11 links inside ..

On sun-spot activity and it's relation to Global Warming

DD, as erudite as usual .. .. as are so many others here ..

one of, Stephanie's special beauties .. Prepare to be delighted for the next 6 minutes

F6, well what can i say .. extelecom, and all -- further re climate, in general: ..

LOL .. see reply to that one, FOR SURE, as you really should look both sides of all links given ..

God did not create the universe, says Hawking ..

thanks for the reminders, kozuh .. good revision .. LOL ..