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07/07/05 11:21 AM

#134179 RE: cur #134163

Risk Metrics down to 445... Hopefully this acurately reflects the reduction in risk by investing here. While I get some comfort from this number constantly going down, I am also concerned that other "nobodies" we've never heard of are going to jump into the mix and leave Q in the dust. We have what seems to be a great program package to offer and a lot of commitments to cover significant GLBT events. With all of this in place... and so many years of ground work covered...
I just don't get it.... why is every other "name" and "no name" company making progress and we are standing still in terms of reaching new markets? Dkgross is right... you can build the greatest package, but if your building on quicksand your doomed to sink. Lets get off the quicksand and lets let the investors know what the heck is happening. Q was quick to announce promises that were never met, but explained after the fact why the failure.... how about just once and for all coming clean and giving us an accurate and factual update so we can once again get a good nights sleep... and know where our dreams are going!!!


07/07/05 11:27 AM

#134184 RE: cur #134163

How long will Q's Allstar lineup of hosts be willing to stay for only 3 measly cities?