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11/14/11 5:12 PM

#160222 RE: dbleagl #160181

Recall Kicks Off At Walker's House, But Watch Your Back: Teabaggers Already Talking Trash. Update#2

UPDATE #2: PolitiScoop is doing some pretty amazing work on tracing identity of the slugs cited below. It ends up they have some pretty solid ties to the Wisconsin Republican machinery of deceit and fraud. Read about it here.

Today is 11-11-11, and that is pretty cool, but 11-15-11 resonates deeper around Wisconsin. It is cold now, even snowed yesterday. The leaves have pretty much fallen, and what's left of the garden has shriveled from the first hard frosts. It must be recall season, because the wind off the lake yesterday was as cold as Herman Cain at a women's shelter. I went out today and bought a new hat that looks like something from South Park, long underwear and good water-wicking boot socks. I bought some sign board, and spent the rest of the day on Instructables, reading how to make illuminated signs out of LEDs for good effect in the ever darkening day. I even found a local bar that will let us set up outside and gather signatures inside, and powered up the battery on the Sidewalk Soapbox Cart. We're gonna get this done. We're gonna snip the strings of Mister Koch's fawning puppet, and he will fail and fall.

And it all begins this Tuesday, with fitting symbolism, at Walker's own house on 68th Street and Blue Mound Road just west of Milwaukee. We Are Milwaukee, a local grassroots group, is organizing the event, but it is kind of under the radar so don't tell anyone.

Buses are bringing people to the nearby State Fair Park, and will be running from there to the rally for almost four hours. I bet they're driven by union workers. Neighbors of the Walker's residence have agreed to let protestors use their front yards for signature gathering and other rally rituals. Blue "Recall Walker" yard signs have sprung up throughout all of the surrounding areas, and these are neighborhoods that had lots of McCain signs a few years back. I expect some rousing soapboxing, and some good solidarity songs, but mostly I look forward to signing the petition right on the sidewalk in front of Scott Walker's house. I will enjoy that.

Walking the recall trail again, we venture back out to the streets and highways, the bars and campuses, the houses and parking lots and parks in our quest for one million signatures. Sure, we only need 540,000+, but why let Ohio show us up? After all, we Wisconsinites take pride in our progressive tradition! We're tired of being squeezed between the race to the bottom and the upward redistribution of wealth. We're tired of seeing decency erode as the most bitterly partisan legislature that the state has ever seen continues its corrosive effect among a newly polarized populace. We're tired of the crony capitalism we've witness since last November, where campaign benefactors can sidle up to the trough of extractive industry without oversight, and we're tired of the flagrant flaunting of the rule of law.

But we'll want to watch our backs. Even now, bitter conservatives make toxic boasts about infiltrating our volunteer organizations in order to sow confusion, to give false information and gather signatures only to shred them, burn them, shit on them, dump them. PolitiScoop found some enlightened Facebook Fascists talking trash on the legal rights of the recall. And MotherJones has some analysis of the neanderthal mindset that expresses itself in deceit and implicit violence:

A group of self-identified conservatives say they plan to sabotage the effort to recall Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker, which begins on Tuesday, by burning and shredding recall petitions they've collected and misleading Wisconsinites about the recall process.

Of course, this is a Class 1 Felony and can get Masters Jenkins, Dipper and Wynn up to a $10,000 fine and 3 1/2 years in jail. I'm sure they'll enjoy working with the good union prison guards at Waupun - especially Mr. Jenkins who states on his Facebook profile that he is a "union slave laborer" and spends his time in the Kenosha schools "Dealing with white trash, illegal immigrants, and criminal gang black kids." Classy guy, that Mr. Jenkins!

So watch your backs out there, folks. Get to know the people you are working with, talk with them and listen to them. Report any suspicious behavior to organizers and/or to police. Stay observant, stay peaceful, and don't let the inexplicable ire of the right frighten you or tighten you, drag you down or drain you down, chain you down or bring you down.

Remember, all we really want to do is ….Recall WALKER! (And then we have to clean up this damned mess he's made of the state...)

UPDATE #1: Portrait of Fraudulence

Here is the owner of the fake profile,

Matt Wynns (Matt Lepperd), who threatens
to illegally burn and shred recall signatures.

I have pulled out this comment from Laurilei (below) to detail what these guys are up to. I think Law Enforcement should be contacted and complaints registered.

These guys, and many more, have been (2+ / 0-)
a problem on lots of FB pages that promote getting Walker out of office. I've got all of them blocked on mine since the protests back in February. They're a nasty group of Teabaggers. They don't quit. They join every single pro democratic, anti Walker, pro union page there is. Anything that goes against their agenda, they join and harass the members.

When I say harass, I mean they check every member's name on the Wisconsin Court Access site to see if there's anything listed, even a speeding ticket. They then use this to personally humiliate them on FB pages. One woman who was a member of the Not My Wisconsin page had the same name as someone else from the Circuit Court listings. They made mince meat of her, even though it wasn't the same woman.

They are not someone I'd want to come across on the street, especially since the concealed weapon law came to fruition. They're scary, nasty, and dumb. Not a great combination when they may be packed.

UPDATE #2: Upcoming Events: Be there. Be Peaceful. Make Noise.

Tuesday, Nov 15, 4:30pm @ 68th and Bluemound: We Are Milwaukee Rally at The Walker Residence. (A big rally in Wauwatosa, with circulators present to gather signatures).

Thursday, Nov 17, 3:30pm @ North Avenue Bridge: Occupy Milwaukee's National Day of Action Against Austerity (not part of the recall effort, but related - and it will be BIG!)

Friday, Nov 18, 7:00pm @ Barrymore Theater, Madison: Recall Walker Pep Rally. Join Lee Camp, The Raging Grannies, State Reps Barca and Mason, author John Nichols and many other noteworthy activists for a full night of entertainment and good cheer in Madison.

Saturday, Nov 19, 1:00pm @ Wisconsin State Capitol, Madison: Recall Walker Rally Bring it back to the rotunda and Capitol Square with this event coordinated by We Are Wisconsin, United Wisconsin, Democratic Party of Wisconsin.,-But-Watch-Your-Back:-Teabaggers-Already-Talking-Trash-Update-2?via=sidebyuserrec


11/14/11 8:19 PM

#160260 RE: dbleagl #160181

Interior designers love Christopher Hitchens death bed conversion

For immediate release: Deadly Bread
(ACPA-Washington, DC) To the delight of interior designers and architects nationwide, iconoclast and famous atheist, Christopher Hitchens, has had a death bed conversion. "It was truly beautiful to be there when it happened," said Doctor Stephen Morton, a specialist at a DC Area Hospice where Hitchens is struggling with a deadly illness.

Hitchens, known for antitheist books and an excellent command of the english language, became seriously ill after eating a piece of toast containing an image of the Virgin Mary. "The silliness of it all was rather overwhelming so I bought it on eBay and ate it," Hitchens explained to a fellow patient, who later admitted to being an undercover reporter from Interior Design Magazine. "Unfortunately too many people had handled the crusty relic and within a few hours I was retching. A week later I'm at death's door from the not so miraculous toast."

Hitchens' unexpected and surprising conversion took place over two days and started shortly after hospital Chaplain Ivor Pruett paid a courtesy visit to the famous atheist. "The poor chap," said Hitchens, "they didn't have a decent place for him to sit and I didn't want to eviscerate the fellow's nonsensical superstitious beliefs without at least offering him a seat. I'm an Englishman after all. So what could I do but have a conversion?"

Intelligent Design
Described as Georgian style with post modern touches to round off the classical edges, the death bed conversion was completed with enthusiastic help from other patients and the night-shift staff. It includes comfortable seating for 4 visitors, a built in 38-inch LCD TV, microwave and a well-stocked mini-bar. "Yes I know I shouldn't," said Hitchens, "but you only live once, no really you idiot, just once."

While staff and other patients raved about the changes, hospital administrators were not too pleased. "Yes we regularly have death bed conversions in the hospice," sighed administrator Phil Livingston, "but it's usually subtle, maybe a plastic cup-holder or two, a mat for slippers, nothing like this."

Interior Design Magazine, expected to win a Pulitzer for breaking the story, finished on a cautionary note. "Hitchens is clearly invigorated since his conversion, but we think he might be starting to annoy other patients with his continuous prompting that they should convert too. He needs to stop handing out leaflets in the hallway with the number of a designer other patients can call for guidance."

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