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11/14/11 10:15 AM

#5186 RE: chris8sirhc #5181

Well you need to know something regarding pharmacist for starters. They do not like adding drugs to their systems and learning about them, because it requires additional work for them. Plus, just because you do not receive a reply, implies absolutely nothing!

I hate to bearer of bad news, but your DD is flawed imo and I sold to pharmacies for many years as a pharma rep, so I know how they hate adding new versions of a current drug, because it won't add sales, but rather dilute the sales over a wider range of products in the same class.

I am hoping we get all the doubting thomases gone today, so we can begin to move back up.

BTW - Did you take time to review their pipeline and the potential?



11/14/11 10:16 AM

#5188 RE: chris8sirhc #5181

[the pharmacists] said: “We will still have to carry the 300 and 150 mg generic versions, so there will be in increase in costs to the pharmacies to carry the new 450mg version as well.” I asked about the claim that one pill could reduce the incidence of addiction because it keeps them from taking "a little extra" and they said the benefit of that would be rare, and in those cases it would be special ordered at a pharmacy.

Spot on.


11/14/11 10:25 AM

#5193 RE: chris8sirhc #5181

lol i asked my eye doctor the other day what he thought about stem cells since there was a couple of companies doing studies with the eye now and everything he said was negative also. then when i dug into him a little deeper he answered that he didn't much about it at all. we as investors sometimes know more whats going on than any doctors or pharmacists for that matter they are only paid to work with what they are thought with. i can't say all but most don't go out there looking for the next best thing bud. they wait until they come to them GLTY