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Replies to #14068 on Tasty Booshers


07/06/05 7:57 PM

#14069 RE: Estimated_Prophet #14068

EP......."No good deed goes unpunished", I think your thoughts on BIPH and certain people's actions and comments bear this out.

Hopefully, you will continue to post, but I wouldn't blame you if you did not. I read all of your posts with great interest, but in the end, I make up my own mind with regard to any stock mentioned. It's a shame more people refuse to do their homework and make their own decisions, but don't hesitate to try and "kill the messenger" when things go south.

Good luck with whatever you opt to do. And thanks for all the insights you have provided thus far.


07/06/05 8:05 PM

#14070 RE: Estimated_Prophet #14068

Updated: EP: I think your very good, but I don't care how good you are, no one should buy just, because you express your opinion on a stock. (not that I said you thought that). Quite frankly, that would be stupid, a message board is to share ideas, it is not supposed to be used as a substitute for your DD, whether we use technical analysis or fundamental analysis, everyone is supposed to put the work in, and just because someone recommends a stock, you are supposed to know what you doing.


07/06/05 8:18 PM

#14071 RE: Estimated_Prophet #14068

E.P. - I enjoy your posts and sure hope you continue. As far as BIPH goes.....I'm in it for the long haul. Working at a medical facility gives me a bit more confidence in the product and it's marketplace. And on top of that, I made my purchase, you didn't. Regardless of what the shareprice does it still seems to be a long hold stock. Besides, I'm still up 25% right now, waiting for that ever elusive Lentinman double to take half off the table.

One of these days we have to do lunch. I'll have my people contact your people who will in turn contact Len's people and while we are at it let's contact the guy up north people.


07/06/05 8:28 PM

#14072 RE: Estimated_Prophet #14068

Estimated Prophet - as a Biophan long, I say keep doing what you do. If you feel that you need to sell Biophan, sell it. It wont change my position one bit, because we have different investment/trading philosophies and perhaps even goals. I talked it over with my wife, and we are Biophan longs as long as the fundamental situation doesn't change. I think things are changing for the better, actually, albeit slowly. You have a great board and a very interesting perspective on trading - THE BOOSH - and in order to adhere to that philosophy you need to be ruthless. If others give you crap, just send them to me, cyberbub and lovethatgreen... we'll take care of 'em ;)

just my opinion, but dont let people bug ya.



07/06/05 8:39 PM

#14073 RE: Estimated_Prophet #14068

Consider using your charts with a hypothetical 500 or 1000 share trade in public posts. If BIPH goes down a dime, the hypothetical trade is down 100 bucks and the pressure is off of you. Be careful not to indicate that you are "all in" or "heavily" invested since neophytes may take the same step without your stops.

Penny stocks fail at a horribly high rate, so it is usually a good idea to frequently present the bear case with the bull case. Also, time frames are important. You may be worried now about the third black crow possibly forming tomorrow on the daily chart. I am. But in a month or two, BIPH will be pushing 4 or 5 and maybe 6. So if you like BIPH for a 5 day swing trade, phrase it like that and if it goes south, so what?


07/06/05 9:19 PM

#14074 RE: Estimated_Prophet #14068

EP: My recommendation to you. Post your charts only. They should speak for themselves.


07/06/05 11:16 PM

#14079 RE: Estimated_Prophet #14068

EP--I feel for 'ya man...

As a fellow chartist, I know exactly how you feel, and know how much WORK it is to post charts with commentary on a constant basis, and what a Reponsibily it is too... I've made some very good calls in my time, and some really idiotic ones too ...

I'm still holding shares of BIPH from three months ago at 3.00, when you were pumping that a run up through 4.00 to 6.00 was imminent...I'm not mad, I make my own decisions...

I had to take a break from the market and posting for a few months because I got myself into a real bad spot with another unbelievably bad call on a chart. I Pumped it and pushed other people's "Emotional Buttons", which got them to push mouse "Buy Buttons"...

I didn't post that stock on any Board, as it was reserved just for family and friends, and man did I catch some HELL when that sucker went really wrong, (and I lost a lot of money on it myself)...Some of these people will probably never talk to me again...We spent a couple of months vacationing until some of them cooled down...

I should have learned my lesson, but apparantly I haven't, as I've been posting for the last few days on this board about RBAK. Fortunatly, that was a good call (so far)...though it doesn't seem anyone here paid much attention to it... I'll add a note here about RBAK: Buyer's run has exeeded all of my expectations, and could be ready for a serious retracement here...then again, it could run another .40 tomorrow, or run for weeks... It's up to YOU to decide...

I just want to say: Those people who let others make their decisions about stock trades don't deserve to be trading.

But, those that are in a position to influence others,
should not have ulterior motives behind their commentary...

That all being said, Full Disclosure: We are ALL OUT of the shares of BIPH we bought last Friday because again, it was just another dissapointment, as usual...I'm sure good things will someday happen to this stock, much like CPTC, but I mostly Daytrade now, and don't have a lot of time to be posting on message boards, and will refrain from doing so in the future...



07/07/05 1:15 AM

#14087 RE: Estimated_Prophet #14068

EP...Do not be guided by the least common denominator..FWIW... I have been a leader in my healthcare field and professional organization for many years. In this capacity, I have usually been much more informed and worked much harder than my peers to understand the issues that influence our profession and professional practice. In my many leadership positions I have shared my insight and perspective on many topics and issues that others have used to make personal and professional decisions. It was my experience that usually all that I ever heard in response was the opinions and complaints of the nay sayers. For a long time I took many of these complaints to heart as I was working my butt off for the greater good of my profession and always had nothing but honest and good intention with my decisions and all that I shared with the greater body of the organization. At one point I was asked to run for President of our organization against a very established incumbent. Some thought that I was a sacrificial lamb in this election. Long story short, in one of our largest states, with the highest vote turnout in our history I lost... by one vote. What did come out of the election was much change for our organization and an incredible outpouring of feedback from those that did appreciate my honesty, the work I did and what I shared. From this I now maintain a leadership role in our national organization.

The bottom line is that yourself and others both here and on the RB board that I read provide a wealth of information that many including myself digest and use to help us make our own best educated decisions. At no time do you or anyone else make them for me, but yes I do appreciate your input and that of others when I make a decision. If others have a problem with what you say, they can do as I have with other posters, ignore them or just don't read their posts.

It is clear that you to some degree enjoy what you do when you post your charts, your opinion and your buy/sell thoughts. I for one enjoy the depth of your information and your thoughts on buy/sell. It allows me to better dissect how you read the charts and determine if I agree or not. That in turn has been invaluable to me as I grow in my understanding of the charts. It takes a lot of guts to do this with honest intention, as there will always be those out there that want to knock you down. Maybe they should show the same guts and post their own charts with buy/sell opinions and defend their choices rather that bash you. I would have a lot more respect for that approach than the bashing... then we can all decide for ourselves who we wish to trust for input.

As I learned through my life experience, when doing things with good positive intention we can have a profound positive impact on many people. The reality is that we will never hear about this positive impact of our actions on these individuals except for maybe some unique situations as I did during the election. If I had let the few nay sayers hold me back or cut me down for whatever their reason, there would have been a much greater whole that would have really lost out. I also would have lost out as I enjoyed the opportunity to help the many individuals that I did even though I may have never known who they were.You and others have done much to help many. You have received feedback from a few here and on the RB but know that these few responses very likely represent a much greater body of appreciative individuals. It is up to people to make their own decisions, if they do not then that is not your responsibility. Forget those that bash you, just as they should just forget you and move on. Do you want to lose the joy that you do get when sharing and then maturely discussing similar and opposing opinions on the boards. I hope not. I hopefully look forward to your continued posting, charts, opinions on buy/sell and general insight.

I hope that you don't let this little minority or should I say a few individuals make a decision for you through their personal attacks or bashing. (Also remember how much this format is ripe for misunderstanding what people really mean in their writing.) I look forward to someday being confident enough in my own analysis to both agree and argue with you on your opinions in my own posts. I hope that in whatever decision you make regarding your participation here or anywhere else you are able to rise above the level of the minority least common denominator that tends to personally attack other posters. Follow your heart and make a decision that brings you peace...

Thanks to you and all who share your knowledge to help the growth of others. I do believe that there are many who post and take great joy in the fact that they know that they are helping others to move to a better place through their trading. I hope to some day be in the position to do the same for others. This is a noble thing.

Please excuse the spelling errors but it is late and its been a long day (about 17 hours today) in the lab and I don't have the energy to review the post and make corrections... its the message that counts... time to go home and get some sleep.

To all... Have a good day.


07/07/05 1:53 AM

#14088 RE: Estimated_Prophet #14068

here's my post to the rb board ep

ep scenerio

i was suprised that a charter/trader even went
so far as he did with biph. at this point to sell
some to do what he obviously enjoys doing "trade"
is no sin or personality fault. i think he violated
everything he has set in his own rules of trading
to get into biph as strongly as he has. so selling
some is not a change in attitude as much as it is
that he is getting back to his own parameters.
keep up the good ta reporting, ep, chartman, profit
gainer and always be true to yourselves, whever
that takes you.

and bubba sumner, open season on pidgeons and
eurasian collared doves. the pidgeons are easy
just set your chair in their flight path to
the coop.
