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11/12/11 2:08 PM

#20533 RE: Geoffroi #20515

Email: Copied and Pasted. Nothing added or deleted. I know we there will be posts trying to pull this email one way or the other. I liked the fact that the company is still in a strong development mind frame. Patents have the "potential" to be a huge momentum changer for pinkies. I have followed a few during these type of stages and have seen what can happen, even though it is speculation until a final result is completed. Anyone remember where SF*O pps went with their patent news. Now of course I surely hope RFMK doesn't end up the same way but (IMO) the pps path could very easily be the same.

However, IMO...patents have the ability to be long term viable assets to a company and I am pleased to see RFMK trying to make those steps. Only time will tell how his plays out but I am looking forward to hearing about any details and following this through the process and pps reactions. Still have to think, this is in addition to everything else that is also currently and already developed.

Here is what is going on:

We are working on an update to shareholders and explanation (again) as to why the MCM contracts are taking so long. Also will have an update for bionic cigs and the marketing end of the program. We have also come up with a new product we are going to patent and produce which we feel is going to be substantial. I cannot say any more on it until we have the items in place we need to make all this happen. I am have been working on this new product this week so have not been on email too much. Bear in mind that this “new product” has not happened yet and it could work great or not work at all.

I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.


I have also spoke with someone who received the same email but he did state that Tom told him details on this product and patent could be out soon (maybe within a week or so) but a time frame could not be given as there are so many details and attorney's to work with. But I got time, however long it may take them.