Should they be in the business of buying their stock when their money should be spent of production as that should be a better use of funds? Should they be selling their stock at this point and dilutiong shareholders? Not sure of your point and maybe being a direct investor you are privvy to more information. Thing is you know what they tell you unless you have someone on the inside seeing it coming out of the ground, being processed and being accounted for. We all buy with a certain degree of hope and trust along with a bit of greed. Again, you do what you want with your money and I'll do the same with mine. I wish you as much luck as I wish myself since we are both tied in an odd relationship based on the success of SNEY. GLTU
I expect after 5 weeks that the financials for the 10K would have been reviewed and submitted by management. This is OLD news, but necessary for SNEY to become current. If management cannot not take care of the little things, like review the statements produced by the auditing firm, then I think that is a problem. Next week we will be looking at 4 quarters of reporting due by the company.