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11/10/11 10:49 AM

#29137 RE: mfo #29135

These types of hot boards and lists are inaccurate at best. Let me be clear that I think the talk of an RS at this time is way, way too early. Perhaps later. What waggett says is true and an RS just makes no sense at this time.

Tivus has some things it must get done, and the first is the AUDITED FINANCIALS. SH says, "After numerous audit activities, I am comfortable at present reporting I expect completion of the audit proper in the very near future, possibly around the beginning of November, maybe sooner." Sooner is way past due, and the beginning of November is wearing out it's welcome. By parsing words and phrases like "I expect", "the very near future" and "possibly", SH is losing his credibility. In business, the word is "We are reporting that Tivus has completed and filed with the SEC audited two year financials." No "maybe's", "very near future" and "possibly". In the stock market, these types of delays will always take a legitimate company and knock the stuffing out of their share price. Tivus continues to be hurt by the failure to deliver on it's audited financials. GLTA and SH.