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11/10/11 4:03 PM

#30498 RE: sawdin #30492

Saw; Just my own opinion on what you posted concerning AJW and the filing with the State of Utah, where you said quote; "I do not know if the claim is legitimate".

My Opinion is, I really don't believe they could file something that was "Not Legit", with A State Government like this that is also "Public Information". Filing fraudulent Paperwork like this would have Serious Legal Ramifications that would not benefit AJW at all by filing something Fraudulent.

For one thing, the SEC Attorney for MLXO (Who was/is located in Salt Lake), would hang them out to dry, and secondly, when Companies file Fraudulent Documents, 99% of the time are doing so "ON PURPOSE", Knowingly. And the Reasons they file Fraudulent Documents, ("IN HOPES ON NEVER GETTING CAUGHT"), are almost Always for some sort of Monetary Gain, and Usually it's to either "HIDE DEBT FROM INVESTORS", to keep a Companies Stock from Crashing, a Cover-up basically, Enron ring a bell? Or it's done to make a Stocks Price go up, so the People Involved can Cash in, and I know you have heard of Numerous Companies/CEO's, or other Board Members, Getting caught doing things like this.

Bottom Line here, I Just can't see any reason, any monetary Benefit, Ill gained or otherwise, that AJW would get from filing a Fraudulent Document with the State of Utah? And being that it has been this long of a period of time since it was filed, if it had been a "Clerical Error", something like that is usually caught and fixed right away. Of course I may be wrong here, but I really doubt it, especially knowing that Former CEO Tom G. Did Indeed borrow the cash from NIR (AJW), in the first place, and as broke as the Company was, before he made the deal with Pristine, I just don't see how he could have possibly paid them off (NIR,AJW), especially when he has had Cornell (Highgate, Yorkville), Breathing down his neck, Getting and Selling Convertibles For Years until they Maxed out the A/S, with a Court Judgement in hand, and MLXO still owes Cornell/Yorkville Money from what I gather.

And to make matters even worse, A Investor/Trader (Whos I-Hub Alias I will not post), that I have known for years, who has been on this Board many times, and has been involved and Traded MLXO stock since 2005/2006, was the one (or his Family), who Borrowed Tom G. the $50 GRAND he needed for up front costs/fees, when he tried to get Several Million Dollar Loan, (Maybe it was $10-15 Mil? If I remember right?) in Financing from another Financial Shark, back in 2008/2009 I believe, and this Shark did absolutely Nothing, Except "TAKE THE $50 GRAND FROM TOM G. AND RUN OFF WITH THE CASH", (Which he had to Sue them to get it back I heard), My point is, that after Tom G got ripped for $50 Grand, he could not even Pay back the Money he owed to this Investor/Trader I know that Loaned it to him!!! They had to practically take him to court almost, before he finally paid them In Stock from what I heard, so they could finally get Reimbursed.

So given the Severe debt that MLXO has been in Prior to Pristine taking over, and debt that Appears to still be owed, I don't see how the Filings with Utah State could be Fraudulent? If anyone has any evidence showing otherwise? Please post it.