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Replies to post #89 on Hiding

Replies to #89 on Hiding


11/09/11 5:26 PM

#90 RE: stock zombie #89

I don't think that you have a clear understanding of what the person mark board was designed to accomplish. It allows a member to meet other members and to easily locate them. The exchange of person marks simplifies this. I for one am glad that it's here as it has allowed me to meet and track others with similar ideas easily. I guess the obvious question here is this. Other members use the board and are happy it's there, if it offends you don't go there. To imply that it's purpose is to increase person marks so others will feel that you are a savvy seasoned investor is so ludicrous that's it's funny


11/09/11 5:48 PM

#92 RE: stock zombie #89

The post from IH Geek [Dave] that setteled this total waste of time months ago..

Monday, August 29, 2011 3:24:42 PM
Re: Susie924 post# 153695

Post # of 154969
The powers that be decided that IHUB should be like Twitter and Facebook instead of being unique.

iHub was doing that long before Facebook or Twitter ever existed.

Favorites/Follows are provided for each user to use or not use as they see fit. The vast majority of members use them for one-click access to their Favorite/Followed users and boards, and by doing so having iHub track new post activity for them.

It's a natural by-product to report the aggregate number of marks, again something that has been going on since long before the advent of Facebook or Twitter. If some choose to assign a perceived value to the number of marks held by a board or user, the value (or lack thereof) is in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I find it preferable for the Mutual Respect and Admiration Society to conduct their swap meet on that board than on stock boards.

Here is the link to the post..

Essence Of Wealth

11/10/11 2:50 AM

#95 RE: stock zombie #89

I never marked this board and I removed the Person Mark from the Moderator because, I've discovered he didn't actually EARN IT and because he hasn't proven himself to have HONOR, INTEGRITY, MERIT, TRUTHFULNESS or HONESTY. LMAO

And, since "junewong" is right that; his board is a "total waste of time" . . . I shall Never post here again.