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11/09/11 2:25 PM

#41591 RE: moosh #41590

Oh, I agree with you there as you are so 100% right on the mark!

We have a 3 year chart to prove everything you say.

But keep in mind that we were dealing with crooked/illegal bozo mgmt back then and I don't think these MMs want to mess with our new guys/gal because these folks do know how trading works and if that doesn't work as evidence of their prior successful business dealings. I don't know what does.

Legal shorts don't seem comfortable being short very long at a time, hence whatever our latest short numbers are, they are minimal and will be out after close today.

Drop in share price just goes together with short selling, drive it down short, buy it back to cover. MMs can't afford to have the all powerful SEC on their backs anymore than anyone else in business can afford it right now, especially.

The chart above shows our .015 dip back in end of May 2011 as an actual trade of very little shares, I forget now exactly how much but was watching closely that day.

Interesting though on yahoo charts, we don't go past .04 even though they do show our 52wkL as .015. Go figure!;range=2y;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined


11/09/11 11:47 PM

#41596 RE: moosh #41590

I am also finding articles and release but didnt get from anywhere and my broker has a strong belief that this will rise at the end of the month.