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Replies to post #74 on Hiding

Replies to #74 on Hiding

Essence Of Wealth

11/09/11 2:43 AM

#83 RE: junewong #74

Well said "junewong"

Once we "Person Mark" someone, that Person's "Alias" name is made Bold and, any board we visit on iHub, if we see a Person’s "Alias" in Bold we will know we Person Marked them.
i.e. Person Marking someone and making that person's "Alias" bold to recognize them anywhere we visit on iHub is the ONLY Reason for Person Marks.
Giving Person Marks has everything to do with making the Person's Alias in Bold to make it easier to know who you've Person Marked and, Nothing to do with . . . EARNED, HONOR, INTEGRITY, MERIT, TRUTHFULNESS or HONESTY.

Unfortunately, I doubt; "NUCLEAR" will EVER Understand this.

The reason for person marks is to make it easy to spot other members that have similar interests hence their name is viewed in bold. This has been discussed and verified with IHUB administrators.

The Purpose of person marks is not a issue of earning them or merit or honesty and whoever thinks this does not understand their true propose. The reason for person marks is to make it easy to spot other members that have similar interests hence their name is viewed in bold. This has been discussed and verified with IHUB administrators. It is rather senseless to rehash this subject again, wouldn't it be easier on all if you object to a certain way person marks are being used to just talk to a administrator. Then the true purpose of person marks should be easier to understand and all can return to the reason we are here...investing