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Replies to post #60 on Hiding

Replies to #60 on Hiding

Essence Of Wealth

11/08/11 5:53 AM

#62 RE: stock zombie #60

Definition of GREED
: a selfish and excessive desire for more of something than is needed.

"The Challenge to ALL of Investors Hub"

In an effort to bring back HONESTY and TRUTHFULNESS to the Investor Hub personmark system:

I challenge ALL members of IHUB to go into their Favorite People lists and remove ALL personmarks given to other members that were NOT earned through MERIT.
This includes ALL personmarks that were given out through visits to a certain exchange board.

This can be a two way street and perhaps people could START by removing Person Marks given to you.

Your second post on your board "WHEAP" board could be considered GREED.
You want "Everyone to Spread the (WHEAP) board link around IHUB" which could be considered GREEDY for wanting "Everyone" to do this FOR YOU!

NUCLEAR Share Saturday, November 05, 2011 11:54:15 AM
Re: None Post # of 60
Everyone... Spread the (WHEAP) board link around IHUB..
Thank you

In your WHEAP board iBox, YOU could be considered GREEDY because, YOU WANT people to click on the >> Follow this Board << link so; YOU increase the number of followers to make yourself look "Right" on your petition drive.
You didn't have to mention or add an extra link for board follows to get people to follow a board but, YOU DID.

A "Petition drive" (as you call it) could be considered "a selfish and excessive desire for more of something than is needed.

A "Petition drive" on iHub to get the word out about a Board YOU don't like, simply because, "YOU" think Person Marks here on iHub have some kind of HONOR, INTEGRITY and MERIT attached to them.

By clicking to >> Follow this Board << you are helping the cause by contributing to a petition drive designed to send a clearcut message to ALL iHUB members that you want HONOR, INTEGRITY, and a sense of MERIT restored to the personmark system..

You can also take pride in belonging to a cause that is actively looking out for the welfare and financial being of the hundreds of thousands of members that belong to Investors Hub.

Where on iHub does it explain; receiving or giving Person Marks, indicate a persons HONOR, INTEGRITY or MERIT?

Where on iHub does it explain; that receiving or giving Person Marks indicates a percentage of satisfied followers or receivers?

Where on iHub does it show that, when we receive a Person Mark from someone, that it was given for a specific reason; such as for . . HONOR, INTEGRITY, MERIT, TRUTHFULNESS or HONESTY?

If you started a new iHub board and people stop by and mark your board and Person Mark you, did you earn it or deserve it?

Do you HONESTLY think, just because you don't like a certain iHub board that YOU have the "Right" to accuse others of being GREEDY?

If I get 2-3 more Person Marks over the next few days for no apparent reason and I don't know who gave them to me, would it mean, I earned them through HONOR, INTEGRITY and MERIT?
Oh, and lets not forget TRUTHFULNESS and HONESTY.

Before I ever posted on that "other board" (LOL) I had a lot of Person Marks. How do I know I earned any of them?
How do You know you earned any of yours or better yet, How do any of us know YOU earned any of yours?
Is there some place on iHub that we can go that shows us how people receieved, earned or deserved they're Person Marks?

You see, according to your belief, if we don't receive Person Marks via HONOR, INTEGRITY, MERIT, TRUTHFULNESS and HONESTY then, we don't deserve them.