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Santa Barbara Broker

11/04/11 7:45 PM

#101730 RE: Acc441 #101729

I'd love to get my hands on the 9-1-1 navsat uplink trace the cops can access through the phone companies to get a GPS fix on his cell. I am guessing the odds are only slightly better than 50/50 he's even still in the United States. One thing for sure...if I was wrong and he was actually smart enough to stockpile some of his stolen EXPH cash offshore, you can bet the ranch wherever it is, is where he and Brown are. And where they are going to be staying for a long, long, long time. Brown ain't the slickest ball bearing in the chase, but he has enough experience running one of these scams to be able to do it from a laptop in the Caymans at this point. All IMHO.


11/07/11 12:55 PM

#101747 RE: Acc441 #101729
