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07/02/05 10:30 AM

#58644 RE: chipdesigner #58627

Bobs, they can try to be more subtle in their threats, but they will still be exposed if they follow through with any actions that are actually damaging.


Right, but there's more gray than black and white to it.

I think INTC is consciously taking, from their point of view, a pragmatic approach. They know that AMD now has the best processor designs and the best production processes. With capacity soon to be a non-issue that leaves precious little wiggle room for INTC to keep the OEMs in line.

Given the historical slaps on the wrist INTC has received in previous legal proceedings it is likely that INTC consciously decided that the best thing to do is stall this thing as long as they can in the hope that eventually they will become competitive again. I'm guessing they have decided that the loss of business would be much worse than any penalty they will eventually have to pay.

I don't know how accurate INTC's thinking is but it seems to explain their actions to me.

Personally, as I've said, I see the move to AMD as inevitable and these delaying actions as futile. The genie is out of the bottle. Hopefully the penalties INTC eventually receives will be much more punitive than INTC expects.