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07/01/05 7:57 PM

#25516 RE: RockStar1 #25515


"We are the market leader!"

perhaps it's time to question "the" market?

"So whats your Beef?"

what, hello?.....

"Revenues are ramping up!"

not too tough, considering.....

~ ric

PS: with all due respect, (tongue firmly planted in cheek).


07/01/05 9:04 PM

#25517 RE: RockStar1 #25515

Okay Mario you asked what my beef was? Here ya go. "Who is gonna buy SCMI.....that is obvious at this time.... no one. You have faithful long shareholders, some of them suck above .12 and waiting for mgmt to deliver. Back in November it would have been better to hear that SCMI is about to start growing and that it would be a slow growth. You know one that didn't promise next week or next month. Many here bought SCMI because of the dividend....remember the dividend and now we are suppose to eat that while we wait for a merger that will not be complete till late this fall. In the mean time where is the promotion from this company. They don't even fill us in on new releases or projections that may or may not get met. In order for SCMI to grow and MMXT, they need credibility and they need it now. You need serious money in this company from serious investors. With the track record of broken promises and delays, SCMI comes off as being flakey. You know what I am talking about so just be honest. We are stuck in SCMI jail until the merger is complete. I would not have put another penny into SCMI had I know that that there would be no promotion other than Dave Matthews and Foo Fighters. Hey where is Janet Jackson? That one should have never been mentioned only because it is now July and no Janet. Where is Universal and Australia releases...please bring us up to date. How is GE doing lately? Last but not least where is the Apple Pie? I'll take mine alla mode!!!!


07/01/05 11:04 PM

#25519 RE: RockStar1 #25515

Mario is pounding his fist on the table. This means we go up. Next week I hope. :~)


07/01/05 11:13 PM

#25520 RE: RockStar1 #25515


You are alaugh. The guy asks for facts and numb ers and you give him the same crap you have been giving since you first started posting.

"We are the market leader".............say's who? You a paid employee. Does mvsn have more protected cd's than wide buddy, that's the market leader. Can you put some light on that growth quarter.......looks like dilution
from certs not streaming revenue. Give us a number? Just one
fact. If we do not make the 145m cd's as predicted will you say this is a joke company or the industry dropped the ball.

Are you still pitching universal, emi or IPOD? Any market leader would have ipod in thier we?

If the stock is a steal at .035...........maybe mext week
it'sd a better bargin at .001. Did Peter's daughter sell as I read on this board? Knowing the feelings that news would have on the longs here, why would peter just float her a loan if she needed cash.

Patience and facts just fluff verbage and
you are correct in saying each stock has a time clock.......looks like your right and this one is ticking to destruction
know a winner when you see one.......yes, this definately looks like a winner, I think the prize is the bubbie prize.

If you going to post to give the longs here some hope, give numbers or are you afraid to give them because they are so bad.

Who wants to buy scmi..........gee, mario would you sell this to your parents for their retirement. You have lost it with this board.


07/02/05 11:45 AM

#25526 RE: RockStar1 #25515

Sad very sad!!!!

So Whats your BEEF

.03 and less?
Sad very sad!!!!