iblong that is a crazy questions because as of right now i see nothing done that would even suggest this company will ever come off the greys let alone satisfy FINRA.
Your question is like asking me if I think a random infant will grow up to be President. The odds are pretty much the same.
Retaining an attorney really doesn't mean anything, every single public compny in existence should have a corporate attorney on retainer. The fact that everything up to now has taken place without one is rather disturbing if you ask me.
How did they expect to do an acquisition without one? How about all the decisions they were making about voting out a CEO, replacing him with a puppet, making outlandish statements on public message boards etc...They should have had some kind of legal assistance from the start and then they may not have been suspended.
However, the flip side of that is they probably wouldn't hae been pumping this dung pile with information that simply wouldn't fly when put to the test by the SEC.
Face it, the SEC did their job here and how would anybody expect a company who wasn't being straight forward with you before to be straight forward wiuth you now?
Oh, wait you are a member of SCG so talking in circles and making outlandish, unverifiable comments is the name of the game. Carry on then.