Your math is way way way off.
Take the Colson connection into play.
Let's see, LI1 has an AS of 65 mil.
We currently have 6.5 bil OS.
We do a 100 to 1 split and the rest get cancelled as WL has said all along.
Puts the 2 companies at 130 mil AS.
LI1 has 100k acres of prime lithium concessions.
MMTE has 31k acres or soon will. Plus alot more coming but I wil't inter them into this calculation.
Combined that is 130k acres.
@ 10k per acre (that is the worst possible case scenario) that is 1.3 billion dollars in book assetts.
So let's take the worst possible case and say that the processing is %50 of book value making the concessions worth $650,000,000.
We have 130k acres X 10k per acre = 1.3 billion - 50% for processing = $650,000,000/130 million shares = $5.00
If you reversed the 100 to 1 in this it would put us a .05 if you want to see how much it would be in current SS.
None of this is including Potash or Boron JV's, ETF inclusion.
So all of the spectulation on uplisting or R/S or anything that will be "death to longs" is absurd. None of that DTC crap or anything else will come into play. trading will stop for about 3 days and you will be issued new shares with a new ticker. That's it.
NO drama no games and no more pinks crap. We will be OTC for a few months and then AMEX.