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10/28/11 3:51 PM

#13097 RE: VETERANTRADER #13094

"It's just water."

Sorry, but if NatuRx is "just water" - and I rather suspect it is - then there's no way it can treat HIV/AIDS or cancer. Water doesn't treat either of those conditions (and of course in reality cancer is many different conditions).

And giving water to ten Kenyan HIV/AIDS sufferers who as a consequence of receiving this placebo then abandoned their life-saving ARVs is tantamount to murder.

AQLV and its supporters can't have it both ways - it's either biologically active and treats HIV/AIDS as they claim, in which case it's not "just water", but is a drug by FDA definition and will likely have many side-effects, that will only come to light when it is properly tested according to FDA procedures.

Or indeed it is "just water", in which case it will not treat any condition apart from dehydration, and AQLV have told big fat lies.

So, there you have it - either AQLV are promoting and testing an unapproved, illegal, unauthorized drug in equally illegal, unregistered, unapproved clinical trials, or they are deliberately misleading the investment public with false claims and in the process breaking several Securities laws.

And in either event, they claim to have precipitated the discontinuatuion of life-saving antiretrovirals in no fewer than ten Kenyan HIV/AIDS patients, which makes them no better than murderers, no matter what other crimes they have committed.