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06/30/05 4:49 PM

#1896 RE: deadEven #1894

deadEven: The only liar here is you.

Just because I don't want people to think you can show me up by bombarding me with dumb questions, let's go through them.

-I gave PERFECT documentation. I gave you the investor relations phone number you can call and verify everything esle I said. What, do you want a tape recording of the phone call? Idiot

I'm not going to address your more techinical questions because, honestly, I'm not a petroleum engineer. Your assumption of this (and you clearly assume I'm a PE through the technical questions you expect me to ask) is ludicrous and clearly just bravado on your part. I never claimed to be an expert in oil.

-Titan is going to fund future operations with their current ones so as to avoid going into debt. Titan also plans to start new wells soon and could do one a month for the rest of the year. Obviously the word 'soon' is used because if they had the exact date then that would have shown up in a PR. They're telling us all they KNOW.

-I didn't ask how far they have to truck oil or what the taxes are or any of that because I DON'T CARE. The much more IMPORTANT question is what their profit margin is. I did ask that because I'm not a fool like you. I was given figures between 70 and 80 percent. Once again don't flip out because the numbers are exact to the thousandth. Titan is just getting operations started. Obviously when they have exact numbers they will do a press release.

-As far as who they're working with I was told, as we already know, that they are going to be working with Valor Energy.

-Nope I didn't ask them if they were using some gas to offset power bills because I don't give a crap. All I care is that they maximize profits, avoid debt, etc.

-Why are a bunch of Canadians visiting a field in Texas that no one wants? Because OBVIOUSLY it is wanted. Horizontal drilling my friend. With all the vast knowledge you claim to have you should realize the potential horizontal drilling unlocks in previously unattractive oil fields.

Once again you've said nothing to the contrary of all the FACTS I've provided. You just keep calling them into question but you have no information of your own. Have you ever talk to IR? I encourage everyone to call IR to confirm the things I have stated here. The best thing I heard from them were the plans for expansion at up to a well a month and the expectation of production in the range of $100k to $300k per well per month.

Now I'm done playing babysitter to you. If you have any more questions you can CALL THE COMPANY. Here's the phone number again: 1-888-601-9983

I'm glad you're laughing so much. Hopefully you'll still be as happy when we're in the double digits...I know I will!

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06/30/05 6:56 PM

#1912 RE: deadEven #1894

Deadeven, you've got a lot of very good questions; why don't you pick up the phone and make a phone call to the IR man?

I'm sure Mr. Smith would be more suited to answer those questions than solfnod - or whatever his name is, and it would be more beneficial everyone else on this board than your public roasting of someone that you deem as having presented substandard due diligence.

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06/30/05 7:58 PM

#1916 RE: deadEven #1894

deadeven, poop, how dare you accuse me of pumping this stock so I could short it.

First of all, when I originally brought this stock to your and others attention it was trading below a penny. A five-bagger since that point, not too shabby. Hell, I'm happy with doubling my money. I then said when it was at 0.03 that there was still money to be made. That was it. I think I also told you that I hoped that you didn't buy it because I think you are a low life degenerate waste of life.

Second of all, I have never, never, ever once shorted a stock. It's just not my gig. I like to find them when they are running, hop on the train for a short ride and get out. Also, don't think my broker will allow shorting of penny stocks.

If you have anything else you want me to clear up, please feel free to email me...dirk7976 @