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01/16/03 11:00 PM

#3562 RE: fingolfen #3534

fingolfen, re:
Why do you say that? The current Itanium 2 is the McKinley part on 0.18 micron. The "Madison" is a 0.13 micron part. One wouldn't make the same satement about Northwood when compared to Willamette, why make the statement here?

I was responding in context to the wbmw comparison, I2 v Opteron. Not I2 v Madison, although with double cache they may be about the same size.

Meanwhile, as you say, Itanium 2 1.0GHz equals Opteron 1.6GHz using 64-bit mode. 32-bit Opteron won't score as high, and I doubt a lot of 64-bit software will be available for Opteron at launch (though I'm sure AMD will benchmark plenty of beta software to score well in benchmarks). By the time Opteron launches in Q2, Intel will have Madison, clocking 50% higher and with double the cache. Opteron's measly 25% clock advantage, even if AMD manages to do it, won't be able to compare.


I don't have the size of either, but I think you will find quite a disparity in the size of the processors being compared. My WAG 2:1~.