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10/26/11 12:56 PM

#20016 RE: EquityTrader #19998

Equity, if I came across as taking a shot at you, I apologize, that was not my intent at all. I like your input, please keep posting your thoughts.

I am just tired of seeing the price constantly dropping because management can’t seem to get things done. We have all waited an adequate amount of time and I am really beginning to question whether or not this management team is qualified to take us forward. SUGO has the claims, they have the story to tell, GOLD has been favorable to them for the past year, the state needs the work so IMO this is a TREMENDOUS opportunity for both the company, and those that have invested here. They received a LOI for money, and for whatever reason, they must not have felt that the terms were favorable because we are still waiting on it. With the potential here, why is it taking so long for them to align themselves with someone else if that deal was no good? In today’s business world, you need a closer, in other words someone who can get the job done and I truly wonder if we have that here.

As investors, we expect to get a return on our money. If the current members of the management team cannot get the job done, then maybe they need to do an internal evaluation and see if someone else is not out there that can. I am not saying they are dishonest, the garbage about Canada has NOTHING to do with the current SUGO team, I don’t feel that a group of protestors will stop anything from moving forward and contrary to the belief of some others, with the state of the economy in California I think the permits will be given to them on a silver platter. I simply question whether or not we have the right people to make us all money. They need to “get the ball rolling” so that other investors will be attracted to the company. They seem to be so fearful of a PR being construed as “fluff” that they simply put nothing out which does not help in getting information to new investors. I have a BIG problem with that, because IMO that means someone is not doing their job.

I started investing in SUGO over 18 months ago, and have been accumulating ever since. Obviously, I have not done well and would have made a fortune as a day trader, but that’s just not my gig. I find a company that I believe in, put my money into it and ride it out.

I’m sure that this post will either be removed for something that I have said to “offend” someone or attacked by some others (you know what I mean) and either way, I don’t care. I just feel that we have had way too many “opportunities” to purchase cheap shares on a dip and it is now time for some opportunities to sell some shares for a profit.

The best of luck to you and all.