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10/24/11 10:36 AM

#19302 RE: slowone #19299

The site makes multiple references to interaction with care givers (including direct interviews) and mentions anecdotes giving the response of care receivers. I'm sure the test was an extended in home trial.

The trial's primary purpose clearly was not PR, but the collection of data via Alpha test in order to further develop the AI programming of the robot.

There are huge confidentiality issues when dealing with the disabled and elderly. Would you want your grandmother's failing memory publicized on YouTube?

There are a lot of unethical people out there who love to harass people and exploit personal information that can be mined on the internet. It was wise of GeckoSystems to only release selected footage of the elder care trials.

The youtube you linked to is another government funded project whose funding is about to expire, just like the Kompai project.

Both projects seem to be academic exercises with no near term potential for commercialization.