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10/21/11 10:05 PM

#157387 RE: StephanieVanbryce #157326

Occupy Melbourne protesters to reconvene
October 22, 2011 - 2:34AM

Anti-capitalism protesters will reconvene in Melbourne's CBD on Saturday in defiance of police, following violent clashes after they were evicted from their City Square camp.

Almost 100 people were arrested on Friday when scuffles between Occupy Melbourne protesters and 400 police officers spilled into city streets after officers forcibly removed them from the City Square, dragging many writhing and kicking, and carrying others.

Most have been released without charge.

More than 20 protesters had minor injuries and one was taken to hospital.

Two officers were also injured with one taken to hospital to have his eye flushed.

Eight police cars were damaged, police said.

Protesters believe footage of the clashes will encourage more Australians to join their movement when they reconvene at Melbourne's Federation Square at midday on Saturday.

They say they have recorded numerous incidents of police violence and brutality and have assembled a legal team in anticipation of legal action.

"Everyone in Australia will be upset about the obvious police brutality that occurred," said spokesman Carl Scrase.

"I don't know how many Australians will be activated by this.

"The things that occurred today will have big ramifications for years to come, in and outside of courts ... we expect court action."

Police say they are prepared to deal with any protests that continue into the weekend.

The chaos was sparked after about 100 Occupy Melbourne demonstrators, who had camped out in the City Square for a week as part of global protests against corporate greed, defied an order to leave by 9am (AEDT) on Friday.

By about 12.30pm (AEDT), a huge police contingent, including the riot squad, began dragging protesters out of the square and cleared the area within 10 minutes.

The protesters have called on Premier Ted Baillieu and Lord Mayor Robert Doyle to back an independent investigation into the use of excessive force by police and Melbourne City Council on Friday.

They said dozens of police officers were not wearing name badges, in breach of regulations.

"More than 20 statements have been taken from individuals who have experienced police violence, including eye gouging, kicks to the groin, punches to the face, knees to the face and arbitrary pepper spraying, including of minors," said Occupy Melbourne spokesperson Erin Buckley.

"One incident involved an elderly woman with a walking stick who was pushed to the ground by riot police."

Protesters are calling on the city council to compensate them for the 17 truckloads of personal property - computers, cameras, bicycles, tents and cooking equipment - that they say was removed and destroyed.


Occupy Melbourne calls for inquiry into police violence
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Protester injured by police at Occupy Melbourne, October 21. Photo: occupymelbourne/Flickr

Occupy Melbourne .. .. released the statement below on October 21 following a brutal police attack on protesters earlier that day.

* * *

Occupy Melbourne have called for a full inquiry into unlawful police behaviour amid scenes of police violence on the streets of Melbourne today. The call comes after riot police disrupted a peaceful demonstration in Melbourne’s CBD.

“We call on Premier Ted Ballieu and Lord Mayor Robert Doyle to back a full and independent investigation into the use of unlawful and excessive force by Victoria Police and the Melbourne City Council,” said Occupy Melbourne spokesperson Erin Buckley.

“More than 20 statements have been taken from individuals who have experienced police violence including eye gouging, kicks to the groin, punches to the face, knees to the face and arbitrary pepper spraying, including of minors. One incident involved an elderly woman with a walking stick who was pushed to the ground by riot police,” she said.

Occupy Melbourne’s legal support team also say they have evidence of dozens of Police on duty without name tags or badges, in breach of police regulations and previous assurances from Victoria Police that all officers would be identifiable as required by law.

“It is unacceptable that the kind of violence we have witnessed today can occur in our city without any accountability. That means a full independent investigation is required,” she said.

17 truck loads of personal property were also forcefully removed from Melbourne’s City Square.

13 of these truckloads were instantly crushed. Property included; generators, cooking equipment, backpacks, tents, bicycles, computers, cameras, marquees and other personal items.

“Melbourne City Council should compensate people for the illegal destruction of their property.”

Occupy Melbourne is part of a worldwide movement against the growing disparity between rich and poor, austerity measures and corporate greed. It is a movement for economic and social justice and real democracy.

“The richest 20% of households in Australia have 60 times the wealth of the poorest 20% of Australians. CEOs are getting huge pay increases and banks are posting record profits. We want a fair share for all Australians.”

“The camp where Occupy Melbourne has been for the past week has been dispersed, but the movement against inequality will continue tomorrow.”

Occupy Melbourne will convene tomorrow at 12 noon at Federation Square. Organisers are calling on supporters of equality and peace to join the occupation. ..

We don't have a Bill of Rights. Guess it's just a question of
existing laws and the 'let's work it out' idea, as it becomes in the USA.

LOL, it IS great to see the ordinary concerned citizens camping out. Having a VOICE.
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10/21/11 11:49 PM

#157399 RE: StephanieVanbryce #157326

Freedom of speech by country .. Comparison of the Australian, British, and American Political Systems .. sedition laws ..

Lib senators blast Howard Sedition law .. November 29, 2005

Howard's sedition laws to be abolished .. December 24, 2008

THE Howard government's controversial ban on sedition will be scrapped and replaced with legislation
that bolsters the protection of free speech under a series of changes to the nation's terrorism laws.

Sedition Act of 1918 {USA} ..

USA PATRIOT Act .. .. the capitalization is theirs ..

Freedom of speech by country ..

This is an excellent article by John Kilcullen .. tickle ..

A Comparison of the Australian, British, and American Political Systems

The Australian political system is in some ways like the British, in others like the American.

1. Like the American system ours is federal: i.e., there are two levels of government, neither of which can change the powers of the other or make laws within certain fields assigned to the other. The British system is 'unitary': the British parliament can make laws on any matter, local government has whatever powers the national government delegates to it.

2. Like the British, ours is a system of responsible government. The Government (the Prime Minister and cabinet) is 'responsible' to parliament. This means that at any time, simply by vote of no confidence, carried on whatever grounds, the parliament can remove the Government from office or force it to call an election. In the American system the head of the executive Government, the President, cannot be removed by the Congress (except by impeachment, which requires a kind of trial).
.. continued .. ..

Note: our political systems are mix and match with one important
difference .. Australian politicians do not have fixed terms ..

Just browsing and then figured that you and others might
be interested in the aussi stuff .. the last is a good one ..