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06/28/05 6:19 PM

#1588 RE: overloded #1584

Global condemnation is perfectly understandable in judging this stock, and this management, because they continue to produce absolutely ZERO tangible assets and merely beg those who do not know history to now buy in to their sales pitch. Read that again...not a historical reference...a current one. They currently produce NOTHING. They hint of things, and that is it. It is what they have done, and all they have done, and we shall see if they ever will.

I know how to use big words, and have studied philosophy as well. Big words - and a lot of them - presents a virtual forest that can easily hide ugly trees.

This is pretty much the ugliest tree farm I've ever seen, and until they follow through with one positive item and sell something, they will continue to reap profits only from philosophical dreamers hoping against hope that they have stumbled across something that no one else realizes to be a diamond in the rough.

To ignore history is to open yourself up to having it repeated all over you. We shall see if you are all intelligent by pretending that it did not exist or only the promise of possibilities is the only thing that matters in investing. If you only look at one side of the balance sheet, anything can look good. Well, everything except this dead tree farm, that is.

Good luck to you. I predict you will need it.


06/29/05 9:35 AM

#1591 RE: overloded #1584

What woes am I going to suffer? I'm comfortable not throwing good money after bad on this POS. If it does run and I miss out, I can live with it because I had a very good reason not to invest. There are plenty of other places to make money. However don't be surprised if the backwards slide that started yesterday continues, and we end up back below where it started.