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10/20/11 1:51 AM

#226224 RE: SOROS #226222

Nah, I disagree. One thing should be certain to what got us here in the first place. It wasn't honorable good boys and gals, its been the foxes in the hen house. Like our border, they could just turn their backs, and no one is the wiser. Soros George Soros is an old man. Rich yeah, crooked yeah, he operates in the Caymans just like Goldman Sachs. A busy body yeah, and his money can buy most politicians favor, but so do the 17,500 lobbyist who have run Washington. Concessions were being made with China long before Obama came to office. China's wealth didn't start in China......Here's a question?. How many skyscrapers are in Chicago?...........In New York?, How many in Shanghai?.

The Bush family is tight with the Bin Ladens, what does that say?, and can any excuse be acceptable for why we didn't get Bin Laden during 8 years of Bush/Cheney?. He was the excuse for our going into Iraq, and why we remained in Iraq, and why the bulk of our troops were in Iraq, not Afghanistan. Bush lost interest in capturing or killing Bin Laden he stated as much, but he was the reason for our going to Afghanistan in the first place.

I will say this much, both the democrats, in particular Clinton with he signing a bill for deregulation of the banking industry, and republicans have played a role in this financial meltdown which affected economies around the world. The perpetrators were throughout old man Bush's administration, and it was he who nominated Ron Cox to head the SEC, and appointed Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. Ron Cox a former Senator who had rubbed shoulders with many a lobbyist, and Thomas had an opponent Anita Hill who appeared before a Congressional hearing in reference to Clarence Thomas being unworthy for that position. She was ripped by people like Alan Simpson, one big shithead, and good buddies with the Bush's. If we all remember, the very reason we fought in Korea in the first place was to stop the spread of Communism supposedly. American Investments dollars helped to build South Korea into a powerhouse, just like China, today they're our banker, or one of them. We're kinda in bed with them already don't ya think?, in addition to this our country has adopted changes in this country that mirrors Europe. George Soros is small potato's, but a rich one whose disrupted currency markets around the world. My friend they are looking out for their self interest as they have for decades now, and will continue to do is we allow them. Give a look at where Cain has been and why he has made the statements he has regarding the protestors on Wall Street. They're are blaming the wrong people, he said, its the Obama admin...........really?..........I think we know thats a flat out lie!

Cain in October 2011
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City In office

2005 - 2011 Americans for Prosperity
Starting in 2005, Cain worked for the Koch family funded Americans for Prosperity(AFP) alongside Mark Block. Block would later become campaign manager for Cain's 2012 Presidential run and would be joined in Cain's campaign by several other AFP employees. Cain continued to receive honorariums for speaking at AFP events until he announced his campaign for the Republican nomination.[43]

Cain's close ties to Americans for Prosperity have come under increasing scrutiny as major U.S. news agencies have uncovered close ties between AFP and the Koch Brothers, the billionaire brothers who have been credited for much of the success of the Tea Party Movement. It has also been reported that Cain's 9-9-9 plan has been credited to a "businessman" that served on the AFP board. [44]