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06/28/05 12:18 PM

#552 RE: scoobey-do #551

scoobey, here's a post by ' kruy' that addresses your question:

Post by 'kruy' on RB....

By: kruy
22 Jun 2005, 12:50 PM EDT
Msg. 6421 of 6419

Just spoke to Matt Mcquire: He said this placement was started last October and was recently finished up. It does not affect the O/S or float in any way and it remains the same as it had been accounted for already last October.
I was a little concerned as I thought this might have been a new placement and I was confused as to why they would issue shares after retiring and buying back shares, but he assured me that was not the case.
Bottom line, O/S remains the same (somewhere around 450M) and float remains the same as this does not contradict the retirement or buyback of shares..looks like we are in pretty good shape here.
If anybody else has concerns like I did, I encourage you to call Matt Mcquire @ 407-884-0444. eom


06/28/05 1:32 PM

#554 RE: scoobey-do #551

Scoobey the raise was under SEC rule 504.
Check and search rule 504. You will find
it is not a problem. Matt's answer is OK.