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10/17/11 11:52 AM

#128617 RE: oc631 #128616

The promise of interferon-free treatment should keep the majority of HCV patients "sitting in the warehouse".

You may be assuming more knowledge of all-oral HCV-development programs by prospective patients than they actually have. I would submit that macroeconomic conditions probably have more to do with the lack of a huge warehouse effect bolus for Incivek than does the promise of all-oral therapy.


10/18/11 11:33 AM

#128703 RE: oc631 #128616

The promise of interferon-free treatment should keep the majority of HCV patients "sitting in the warehouse".

I'm sure those who can afford waiting few years, will wait. Not so sure they are the majority among diagnosed patients. Treatment is generally advised for all diagnosed chronic patients (in opposed to people who are infected with HCV but can be asymptomatic for very long time), with more than portal fibrosis on liver biopsy and moderate to sever necroinflammation (ie METAVIR score =>2 or Ishak score =>3), cause they are at increased risk of developing cirrhosis.