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10/17/11 9:48 AM

#412 RE: acc724 #411

NUCLEAR Stock Picks. EVCA. "Board PicK":

Good morning NUCLEAR Stock Pick team,

The new NUCLEAR Stock Pick is...


Alert price .001

The most recent 10q states that as of August 12, 2011, there were 162,118,532 shares of Common Stock; and even IF the share count has doubled since then; we are still only looking at a $300,000 market cap.

So we are dealing with a very reasonable share structure here..

The share price of EVCA has been beaten down considerably recently. Last month at this time we were trading around the .004 range. A late day seller who probably put in a market sell order; appears to be the main reason that EVCA closed at .001 on Friday. We had been trading primarily between .0012 and .0015 the three days prior to Fridays close.

And although I don`t like to use targets; I don`t see any reason why we can`t AT LEAST push this one back up to the .004 range again if not higher depending how how strongly we get the ticker out to the main boards and create necessary momentum..

The IHUB board for EVCA is moderated by a couple bashers; so I recommend that first we hit BB`s Stock Haven MOMO`s Breakout Board and other fairly high traffic boards with the ticker first; then hit the EVCA board afterwards.

We are going to let the bashers help us move the EVCA board onto the Breakout Boards.

But it is important to the success of the pick that we INNUNDATE the boards with the EVCA ticker.

Here is the link to the most recent 10Q:

Here is the link to recent EVCA news releases and filings:

And here is the link to the IHUB message board and I Box for EVCA:

Here is the link to the NUCLEAR Stock Picks disclaimer:

Good luck team and lets hit the boards after you get positioned and run EVCA way up there !!!



10/18/11 10:15 AM

#419 RE: acc724 #411

The Blue Exchange. CMGO. News Updates.

A few updates about CMGO..

1) The company opened another office .. News released last Friday after hours.

Now the company has 6 offices.

you can find all details here

2) new client of CMGO's subsidiary XA is Google Walet. Watch Video and check details..

3) CMGO's other sub company Auidioeye has huge patent.. the patent owner of the company

is CEO Nathaniel T. Bradley

here his full CV must read

4) Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan is a client of CMGO

Remember CMGO announced 4.7 million dollars revenue in the second quarter and 1.2 million dollars net profit. Earning Per Share 2 cents.

Very solid DD here with all details.

This company is undervalued IMO..

Read and check all the links and make your own decision..



10/19/11 10:28 PM

#432 RE: acc724 #411

acc724. Here ia a Hawk at a window where my wife works in Indy. The hawk was pissed at not getting in-to the window.
There is a protected nest of hawks monitored downtown Indy.