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Replies to #56696 on MediaG3 (MDGC)


10/14/11 5:06 PM

#56703 RE: sunrisewizard #56696

Didn't say he worked for either company. Just pointing out that Bill Gray and Steven King have more of a relationship than just interviewer and interviewee. If you will read the strategic website, you will find more information about the relationship.

Subject: Referred By Bill Gray The CEO Of CCI/CCOP


*NEW* Audio Testimonials *NEW*

1) I was referred to you from Bill Gray, CEO of the company trading under the symbol CCOP, to see if you are pre-qualified to be referred to Bill for special transactions available for yourself and your referrals. Enclosed, please find links to my court verified track record of over 400% A.P.R. >-the 50 point formula that produced the track record, related affidavits & other documents/press releases, and related links to Steven's applicable radio shows interviewing folks who did affidavits & principle officer/directors of CCOP including the CEO, Bill Gray &Chairman& President, Ray Powers giving key information not yet in print on coming attractions as we work toward potentially being qualified for listing on a major exchange such as NASDAQ.


Link To Press Release Re: $36.4 Million Dollar Grant--

Link to press release,Dr Paul Cohen (who is sitting on 3 million CCOP shares and has over 25,000 small cap stock brokers who follow his recommendations) - CCI Engages Dr. Paul Cohen to Complete Financial Research Report--

Links to press release for Companies intent to buy back shares, reverse dilution &support stock price--







2) Here are THE 50 KEY POINTS Bill & Ray hope to incorporate, for CCI/CCOP  to meet, that, (as you may know abstractly), when most of the fifty are met, people make many times their money. These points are discussed in radio show interviews referenced above.


3) As you know, Stevens Court verified track record was verified by FEDERAL JUDGE PRATT in Washington D.C. CONFIRMING the 400% APR, buy/sell dates, related affidavits etc. Enclosed find track record summary.--

Note: Past performance is no guarantee of future results.


4) Here are SOME OF THE DOZENS OF AFFIDAVITS UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY--- ---verifying the transactions and turnarounds etc. . Many of THESE FOLKS YOU'LL HEAR SPEAKING on MY RADIO show interviewing Bill Gray and you'll see us on FaceBook!/profile.php?id=1248106976



5) Here are SOME OF THE PRINCIPLES FOLLOWED that created the track record--- ---that appear to exist with CCI/CCOP. More information will be shared when you find yourself calling me for updates and to see if you are qualified to be referred to Bill for the below market transactions

that only he can offer.


6) Links to applicable Radio shows-In the second Blog talk radio show, Bill Gray (the Chief Executive Officer of CCI/CCOP) gives more INFO TO ME on CCI/CCOP's plans THAN WHAT THE COMPANY HAS PUT OUT IN SEVERAL YEARS! While most give this an "A" rating, notice how several hours of information is compressed into just over an hour, most of which is not yet in print! You'll hear how Bill expects that in his personal opinion, we can make a major exchange WITHOUT reverse splits or dilution -You'll hear clients who made 2-50 times their money, including many of those who did affidavits- You'll feel awesome!


Link To Steven's first Radio Show Interview With Bill Gray, CEO of CCI/CCOP--

Link to Steven's 4th Show, interviewing both the Chairman of the Board & President, Ray Powers &the CEO, Bill Gray-builds upon the first interview &lays foundation for the third interview, without duplication of info

Link to Steven's 5th show & 3rd interview on CCOP with Officer/Directors covering special transactions &how the company will reverse dilution, retire shares, support the stock &give twice the appreciation with less risk via the special transactions &the special LLC.(see bottom of this for highlights)---