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10/14/11 1:19 PM

#48251 RE: BuyMyAsk #48250

So im guessing you were NOT at the open house to wittiness the live demonstration of the DViS as a few on the board were? I was there, I know what I saw and that's all the evidence I need!

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10/14/11 1:25 PM

#48252 RE: BuyMyAsk #48250

I didn't see anything in the NSE letter that said it didn't work. Instead, I saw a list of things they needed to address in their resubmittal. The consultants have done exactly that. The DVIS does work - exactly as they said.

I have all the evidence I need - radiologists who have seen the specs and seen it work, a patent attorney who was impressed with the breadth of the patent and amazed that the Patent Office gave it to them (he considers is strong enough to keep all the big boys from going this route, which might be the only way to get real-time, 3d images). I have had a former CFO of a Fortune 500 company review the projected numbers. I have visited the site. I have spoken to Oregon State University about why they wanted to be the first luminary site (they are still excited about it). I have spoken with a Manufacturing expert about Imaging3's ability to ramp up quickly.

By the way, ALL of the above people (except the Oregon U people) have become investors. Perhaps the OU people did invest but I didn't ask them that.

With over 1.5 million shares, I firmly believe in this product.
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10/14/11 1:26 PM

#48253 RE: BuyMyAsk #48250

CP they are months away from resubmitting anything. We will not learn anything from the meeting other than to offer up more promises from Dean that all is well and they are now on the the straight and narrow. The timing is very interesting. Lenders can get out in 6 months but I'll bet this takes about 6 1/2 months to get an answer.