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Santa Barbara Broker

10/14/11 1:08 PM

#101549 RE: Sud13 #101547

It's rescheduled for the tenth of never. The company appears to have collapsed. It's in charter default. The corporate officers are in default. The place I thought they might be going to hide the few assets they had left when the IRS came down on them with liens (Cima Holding) is in default. They almost have to be dead broke with no bank, friends or family they haven't tapped (or as in the case of Southern Community) refused to pay already. Their supplier (Wurth Wood) sued Brown, Harrs and their wives for non-payment of $302K worth of raw materials. Since it's doubtful they ever had a contract of any revenue significance other than the one for the Lowes displays and Lowes headquarters is located pretty close to them, one would have to suspect word of the "alleged" criminal activity has reached someone of significance and any future Lowes deals will be DOA. They apparently sold off the D&D woodworking equipment or it was telling. The Wilkes County Tax Assessor shows an 84.3% decline in the valuation of personal property owned by D&D Displays from last year to this year...obviously a whole lotta something ain't there anymore. Looks to be pretty much all over IMHO except the piercing of the corportate veil and (hopefully) some REALLY BIG fines and hard time for the two perps. IMHO.


10/14/11 1:20 PM

#101550 RE: Sud13 #101547

The next shareholder meeting may be held at the Federal Butner prison complex in eastern North Carolina whose inmates include Bernard Madoff and John Rigas.