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06/27/05 4:41 PM

#70216 RE: HotrodHans #70211

Actually, there are no slanderous comments about edigital on this board. You need the ability to recognize criticism versus slander and as far as lies go, almost every negative prognostication has come to fruition with the one glaring exception being the overall demise of the company. If its lies you are after, lets talk about kiosks, military projects and 40 thousand unit digesystem orders. Oh and how about tge and musical?


06/27/05 4:57 PM

#70217 RE: HotrodHans #70211

Why don't you do the company a favor and file against the rest of the shareholders on this board.


06/27/05 5:19 PM

#70218 RE: HotrodHans #70211

HrH: LOL! The Poway boys would never risk the discovery they would be subject to if they tried to sue their cyber critics. It would be proven that not only have we been correct, but that the goings on were much worse than even we opined.

IMO the shareholders should be the ones suing e.Digital (current and former management plus the BOD) for years of false and misleading public statements (including several blatant lies); gross negilgence, mismanagement and possible fraud; not warning shareholders about the consequences of obtaining toxic PIPE financing from offshore hedge funds and known stock manipulators like David Sims; neopotism in selecting an retaining an unqualified CEO for 8 years; undeserved performance bonuses, lack of upholding their fiduciary duty to shareholders, calling them a cult to Bloomberg, etc.

These people have squandered over $73 million of shareholder investments on themselves and their financiers while producing no intrinsic value for shareholders who have supported their extravagant lifestyles for many years while they watch the value of their investment dwindle to pennies and become so illiquid that they can't sell any large quantity without tanking the PPS.

Now they are asking for another 100 million authorized shares so they can continue to do the same thing with the same old groud of Woody insiders. Unless shareholders band together and force a major overhaul, this saga will just go on and on until people stop buying the stock altogether.

Off topic, I found this to be hilarious:


06/27/05 9:13 PM

#70219 RE: HotrodHans #70211

HRH...I'm shakin in my boots..LOLOLOL. To be a have to make up negetive and false statements about the company or its officers. I never ever lie about statements that I post..Especially about Falk being a moron.
