My two cents is QD Vision and QMC is a no go. MIT created their own microreactor and I think they will support their institution even though it is inferior production equipment. To drive down the price they may eventually go to QMC but for the first cut I think it's with MIT. They have to save face, hope I'm wrong.
Disregaurd Ted Sargeant...our TQDots are superior ..his are not....6%...Jabour was past that over a year ago...he has to show something for his 10 million..why do you think Jabbour has been so quite...why share your advancements with the competition....
From the article SE posted, maybe they are talking about QTMM @ one point.
"These quantum packages can be delivered as a powder or as a solution, and the recent ability to produce them in mass quantities means that a single pound of product can create a large quantity of secondary-use products"
DD! What you say makes sense to me. Most likely they are all working together. "it seems inconceivable that Sargent could be unaware of what Dr.J & QMC is sitting on... & beyond that; what our TQD's (in-bulk), Dr.J's R2R tech and our bio-reactors could do for his cause."
What Sargent & Kaust are collaborating on is "using monovalent halide anions as inorganic ligands to bond structural elements at the atomic level." Don't ask me to explain what that is. lol