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10/13/11 10:25 AM

#26624 RE: POKERSAM #26623

so very well stated and asked .. thanks !!!


10/13/11 11:44 AM

#26625 RE: POKERSAM #26623

Your question identifies the fundamental problem with the occupy movement. On the surface, I think most of us agree that government and business greed and corruption are a problem that the occupy movement has correctly identified. However, most members of the movement seem to have no thoughts whatsoever about a solution or think the solution is more government regulation/involvement, which is a huge part of the problem.

I live in Southern California, and a local talk show spent a day with the occupy group in the downtown of my city, talking to people and recording most of it. Obviously the show could select certain people to talk to try to affirm their bias, but even so it was striking how completely clueless 99% of the people were about what the solution to the greed and corruption problem is. However, this seems to be consistent with everything I have read or seen about the occupy movement.

I don't think the occupy movement is going to end well. Anytime you get a large group of people really mad about something with no idea how to address what they are mad about, things end up going bad as all that frustration needs to be released somewhere, and if it doesn't go towards a solution, it goes elsewhere. I hope it doesn't play out that way, but I'm a bit concerned.


10/13/11 11:56 AM

#26626 RE: POKERSAM #26623

Pokersam; The Answer is Not Simple

And I doubt that we can effect Greed and Corruption anymore than Volstead Act (Prohibition) can effect alcohol.

But the first thing to do is to 'bring it' to the table, bring it to the open for public debate.

I would like to see a more mature and non-confrontational way but the "in-your face" approach seems to be the only thing that people listen-to, what they hear, what wakes up the neighbors.

Is there anyone doing it? Is there A Political champion? Do we have someone in office (any office) speaking for the people cause it sure aint Obama or Boehner

The issue is Not and should not be; take from the rich and give to the poor. The issue is Stop stealing so damn much. And stop corrupting the office to help rich get richer. Its cool if you want to be rich but do it on your own.

I just read that 45million people are on food stamps; impeccable timing to start a movement

and for the record; I do not like Obama


10/13/11 1:40 PM

#26628 RE: POKERSAM #26623

Poker, I would like to answer your question.

First let me tell you some things about me, so you will know I'm from the real world. In 1983 at age 23 I opened a business, over the years I grew it into a successful business. there have been small dips and bumps along the way. But nothing like this climax of greed and coruption have done. It has cut the business in half. I have had to layoff half of my employees, Do you have any Idea what it is like to tell a good hard working employee they no longer have a job while knowing there are no other jobs out there?

Out of the 30k line items I sell all of them used to be made in the US, now maybe 25% are. This is the heart of the problem and if not corrected will continue to destroy what is left of the wealth and prosperity of the US.

In business you seek advantage, if you can produce goods or services at a lower cost than your competetion you gain market share. Because of this law of business, small business creates jobs in the US and huge corporations create jobs offshore.

Workers in China make an average of $200 a month, huge corporations are using this work force as the ultimate business advantage. There is no amount of tax cuts as proposed by the right that will bring those jobs back. The math does not work, if given tax cuts they will just bank the profits. Would you trade a work force making $200 a month for a work force making $2k a month for a couple of points in a tax break? Not in a million years.

It's obvious to me that this ultimate advantage that huge corporation have needs to die. So that real competetive business can take place, that will level the playing field for small business against the huge corporations.

Neither political party democrate or repulican will even talk about, leveling this playing field. It could very easily be done. But they are both owned by the huge corporations, and they will never give up their ultimate advantage unless forced to.

As I see it there are 3 things that need to be done.

First, pay off the national debt, just print the money with a balanced budget amendment. Do not do this with an interest paying bond. It should be debt free creation on money supply. This should remove some of the coruption from DC. With no national debt there is nothing to scare the people with. With a balanced budget there is nothing they can give to special interest that they can be sure to deliver.

Second, there needs to be a import tax on all finished goods entering the US. This tax should be scaled to what the country exporting to the US payes its workers. If the exporting countries workers are paid US levels then there is no tax. If the exporting countries worker are paid $200 a month then there is a 1000% tax.

This is fair trade not free trade. This will kill the advantage that huge corporations have over small business. Small business will pop up all over the US and they will hire US workers.

Third, the ferderal reserve/banking system. Pick an interest rate and never change it. Stop using interest rates to create boom and bust cycles in the economy. Extend banking charters and fed discount window to all credit unions.