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10/13/11 12:17 AM

#166897 RE: FRANKLIN28 #166896

On August 20, 2006 to much surprise I received an award from the National Republican Congressional Committee "NRCC". Upon the issuance of the award the NRCC put out a press release. The officers of the corporation decided it would be a good thing to pass to the shareholders, so a company put out a press release of its own. The press release contained the following text; "Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp would like to announce that our Chief Executive Officer, Rufus Paul Harris was the recipient of the 2006 Georgia Republican of the Year Award from the Business Advisory Counsel (BAC) a project of the National Republican Congressional Committee"; the following exhibits is the actual mystery awards received by the defendant, the documentation and communications. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 1, CVSU-Evidence-000181 to CVSU-Evidence-000187]
On August 24, 2006 Sabra Dabbs along with Craig Cason and Steven Canady of the Humanitarian & Scientific World Foundation, LTD approached the company and requested an extension of 749 million euro's. The Board of Directors met and agreed to grant the extension and informed the shareholders via a press release. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 27] ALSO [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 26 AND 26(a)] AND [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 1, CVSU-Evidence-000106 to CVSU-Evidence-000107]
On August 29, 2006 I received a correspondent from Sabra with a message from the Caracas Group informing that they are finally ready to SWIFT the bond to CSHD. The email contained the following text; “I have the letter tomorrow, I will pick out and send to you by courier. The procedure is as follows; 1. We will provide you with SKR (original) "Safe Keeping Receipt" in money paper from BVC "Bank of Venezuela Central" where it is state that Conversion owns the bond deposited in BVC. 2. Then BVC sends 760 "a SWIFT wire communication" with SKR 3. A 799 "A SWIFT wire communication" is following reconfirming the transaction 4. Before and after SWIFT are sent, the director of BVC will call your bank officer to advise him about the sending and after to confirm reception.”[SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 28]
On September 8, 2006 I asked Michael Alexander and Randy Mosley for their AUDITORS contact information. I received an email from a gentleman by the name of Charles Gray that contained the following text; “Dear Paul, Pursuant to Randy Moseley request I am confirming to you that we resigned as auditors for the Furia Organization, Inc on May 18, 2006. I also confirm that there are no outstanding balances due us by the Furia Organization. I have attached a copy of our letter of resignation. Best Regards, Charles Gray". The attached letter contained the following text; "Dear Directors, Effective immediately, Murrell, Hall McIntosh & Co. PLLP resigns as the independent auditor of Furia Organization Inc. We are submitting this resignation for the following reason's; 1.) The form 10QSB for the quarter ending March 31, 2006 was filed prior to our completing our review and without our consent. 2.) We had previously advised management to the Company's purchases of its common stock violated certain loan covenants and were not properly disclosed to the public and that the company cease this practice immediately. We noted that the company continued to but its common stock during the quarter ending March 31, 2006 despite our advice. Due to these actions, we have concluded that we can no longer rely on managements representations and are unwilling to be associated with the financial statements prepared by management." AND “In Addition these actions are likely "illegal acts" as defined under Section 10A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such acts could result in legal proceedings involving damages, fines and penalties against the company, which would materially affect the financial statements. Under Section 10A, having been adequately informed, it is incumbent upon you, the directors to cause senior management to take, timely and appropriate remedial actions with respect to the illegal acts. Please be advised that the company is required to file a Form 8-K within four days of receipt to this letter notifying you that we have resigned, Very Truly yours, Charles Gray Audit Partner Murrell, Hall McIntosh & Co. PPLP." [See AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 29]
On September 8, 2006 the CSHD officers engaged via Darryl Horton, the company CFO, the OUTSIDE AUDITOR Thomas Benson who had completed the Conversion Solutions, Inc Audit for 2005, and approved the Pacific Beach Mortgage UCC1 Commercial Note with a value of $250,000,000. Upon the execution of an agreement the shareholders were informed via a press release. The press release contained the following text; On September 8, 2006 the company executed an engagement letter with Thomas Benson, Certified Public Accountant..... to audit the consolidated financial statements of the company for its fiscal year ending, June 30, 2006 and the related statement of income, stockholders equity and cash flows for the year then ending. The Board of Directors approved the appointment of Thomas Benson, Effective September 8, 2006." [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 30]
The Board of Directors became concerned about the amount of shares trading and the merger transaction after the receipt of the information from the FrontHaul former Auditor. I therefore placed key documents for future evidence into the Bartow Country Public Record at the courthouse so nothing would happen to them and in preparation for any future possible lawsuit that may rise from the items. The items place on the record are as follows; The FrontHaul trial balance sheet, the Global Funding Agreement with Ismet Paez, The Board Resolutions about the Venezuela Bonds, The Venezuela Bonds Bank Support documents, Letters from Romeo Vendetti from UNESCO about the bond funding, the Humanitarian & Scientific World Funding Agreement, The Joint Venture Agreement with Georgia Aerospace and other supporting documents.[SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBITS, 7(a),10,11,17,26,31, and 32]

On September 13, 2006 I received a call from Michael Alexander and a person claiming to be an executive with TD Ameritrade. They commenced to tell me that through a 1,000,000 share purchase transaction for a client that they had discovered that TD Ameritrade was illegally selling shares to its clients via naked short selling. They also commented that they had discovered that millions of shares had been sold in this manner and urged me to notify the shareholders. I informed the individuals that I was on a trip with no access to a computer at that particular time. The Ex-CEO Michael Alexander offered to prepare a press release for me to be readily available when I got to a computer. I and my family were on a long road trip and the individuals urged that it was of great importance to put out a press release as soon as possible. I agreed and provided the Ex-CEO Michael Alexander with the Conversion Solutions PR-News wire login and password to execute the press release for immediate release. The press release contained the following text; “Conversion Solutions issues statement to TD Ameritrade. Depending on who you speak to, the events of the last thirty days could be the beginning of the end for a trading dynasty. The trading houses may have sealed that company's fate as it is now perceived to specialize in 'Shorting' OTC bulletin Board Stocks, Short Selling of OTCBB stock is legal and is used by some companies to create liquidity where there is none..... Conversion Solutions Holdings Inc has filed 8k documentation, according nearly 2.6 billion dollars in assets yet TD Ameritrade (and their subsidiaries) continue to sell shares they don't own or have the ability to borrow. TD Ameritrade responds not by buying the stock out of the market to cover their 'Short' but by refusing their customers their legitimate right to buy more OTC Bulletin Board: CSHD stock. Some Conversion Solutions Holdings Inc supporters have shared their thoughts and feelings on the forum, many of who vow to press litigation against TD Ameritrade for not allowing them to purchase more CSHD stock. This stock has been on regulation SHO for 25 consecutive days and it has been confirmed that it has been 'Shorted' By an objective 'Third Party'. To pursue this information Please visit they asset 'the shorting' is over 16,000,000 shares with others estimating the 'shorting' top be as high as 60,000,000. Currently the company has 62,000,000 shares outstanding." [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 33]
On September 13, 2006 an unauthorized merger completion press release was put by Michael Alexander. The press release contained the following text; “As of 4:00 P.M. EST today (September 13, 2006) the much anticipated merger between Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp and FrontHaul Group has been completed. We at Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp are diligently working to complete and process, in the short term, any and all additional filings and submissions required as we move forward as a new vibrant company. We thank every one of our loyal share holders for their patience over the last sixty days as we have battled to overcome many obstacles, many of which are not being brought out into the light of day. Please rest assured that our staff has put its collective best foot forward in the past and shall continue to do so in the future, no matter what hurdles we may encounter, announced Rufus Paul Harris, Chief Executive Officer of Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board: CSHD)." [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 33]
On September 15, 1006 I was made aware by a FHAL shareholder that the Transfer Agent was releasing FrontHaul restricted shares. I proceeded to contact the transfer agent who informed me that he was releasing FHAL's restricted stock as free trading. I called a Board of Directors meeting and the board voted and ordered a Cease and Desist to be issued to the Transfer Agent Don Maddelin to stop the releasing of FHAL restricted stock. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 34]
On September 20, 2006 the company received the Non Objective Beneficial Owner (NOBO) list from Automatic Data Processing Inc (ADP). The NOBO list disclosed that 106,405,424 recorded shares of Fronthaul was listed as free trading in the OTCBB market, therefore identifying 75,487,085 illegal shares of the corporation have been issued and sold to innocent shareholders. The Board of Directors immediately informed the shareholders via a press release. The press release contained the following text; "The corporation has received the Non-Objecting beneficial Owner (NOBO) list from Automatic Data processing inc (ADP) located at 51 Mercedes Way Edgewood, NY 11717. The nobo list has disclosed 75,487,085 (Seventy Five Million Four hundred Eighty Seven Thousand and Eighty Five) shares above the total free trading shares of 30,918,339 of CSHD. The shares are held by 15,184 (Fifteen Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Four) shareholders to include institutions. For anyone carrying shorts and those CVSU shareholders with questions Please contact Ben Stanley at our corporate office number 770-420-8270 stated CEO Rufus Paul Harris. Ben Stanley COO, stated "Our actions have always been to unsure the well being of our shareholders. For this reason we are going to work closely with the SEC and all institutional holders to quickly and fairly resolve this issue by September 29, 2006... Sabra Dabbs, EVP of Global Operations, stated "Now all of our attention can be focused on our Humanitarian and Global Business Development efforts."[SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 36 and EXHIBIT 37]

Around September 20, 2006 I was contacted by Harold Jackson and Darrell Carver and informed that Dr. Mensah was selling shares of Georgia Aerospace and telling the investors that they would get 3 share of Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp for each share they buy of Georgia Aerospace. I asked the individuals for an affidavit about the activities.
On September 21, 2006 I called an Emergency Board meeting about the Dr. Mensah selling shares issue. The Board of Directors voted to remove Dr. Mensah for illegal stock activities. A press release was put out to that effect. The press release contained the following text; "CVSU would like to announce that during an Emergency Board meeting called for the Joint Venture Corporation of American International Smart Structure, it was voted and resolved to remove Dr. Thomas Mensah as President and CEI of AISS.” [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 38]

On September 23, 2006 I received the Affidavits from the individuals involved in the stock purchases from Dr. Mensah. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 39]
On September 26, 2006 the NASDAQ OTCBB published that the CVSU and FHAL merger was complete and that a 1 for 1 share exchange was approved. The company informed the shareholders via a press release. The press release contained the following text; "Conversion Solutions, a Delaware corporation asked that all Waatle Merger Shareholders please exchange their certificated with the corporations transfer agent as follow; 1.) Have your broker exchange the Waatle Certificate for Conversion Solutions Holding Corp Certificate (Your broker should know how to exchange the certificate via DTC.) or 2.) Send your Waatle certificate to the following; Integrity Stock Transfer 2920 N. Green Valley Parkway Building 5 Suite 527 Henderson, NV 89014. For quick return, please include a self addressed return catalog envelope or Fed-Ex package large enough for a certificate (10x13). [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 40]
As of September 26, 2006 Conversion Solutions, Inc and Waatle Holdings Corps restricted shares can be tendered for exchange for FHAL/CSHD restricted shares.
As of September 26, 2006 the certificates that the Conversion Solutions, Inc and Waatle Holdings Corps shareholders receive at this time are to be restricted until the filing of the S-4 registration statement.
On September 27, 2006 the company attorney Maurice Bennett filed a case against Dr. Mensah in the Bartow County Court House for illegal stock activities.
Also on September 27, 2006 the company funds management company Emiro Holdings informed CSHD of the competition of the contracted relationships with the major European banks for the companies bank funding platform. The company notified the shareholders via a press release. The press release contained the following text; "Conversion Solutions announces the completion of the banking platform for our global, sovereign and institutional investors. The corporation has obtained contracts from the following banks Deutche Bank, ABN Amro Bank, Dresdner bank and Commerce Bank. The mentioned banks will be the foundation for out project funding platform. This announcement is the first of explanations of CSHD's operations, which will help most investors to understand our business model and activities, stated Rufus Paul Harris. The corporation also announces the filing of a civil action in the Superior Court of Bartow County State of Georgia against Dr. Thomas Mensah and Georgia Aerospace (Civil Action Number 06-CV-2648). The Corporation will update the shareholders on the action as information is processed and assimilated. Documentation on Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp can be located at to include the Georgia Aerospace Joint Venture agreement along with all Global Funding Agreements with investors. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 41] ALSO SEE ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS FROM EMIRO [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 1, Romeo-Docs-000001 to Romeo-Docs-000050]
On September 27, 2006 the Caracus Group contacted the company and wanted to invest additional funds, Sabra Dabbs and Mitch Sepantiack arranged and executed a contract extension for 5,000,000,000 (5 Billion) Euros. The company informed its shareholders via a press release. The press release contained the following text; "Conversion solutions announces 5 billion euro addition to asset management portfolio. CVSU would like to announce an additional 5 billion Euro denominated Global Bonds on the Republic of Venezuela with a 11% annual coupon has been added to the company's asset management portfolio." [SEE ADDDAIVT EXHIBIT 42] ALSO SEE ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBITS 10,11, and 12] AND [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 1 SABRA-VB-DOCS000001 to SABRA-VB-DOCS000007, Sabra-VB-000011 to Sabra-VB-000013, Sabra-VB-000014 to Sabra-VB-000016, Sabra-VB-000017 to Sabra-VB-000018]
On September 28, 2006 CSHD announced that it made contact with a few selected Market Markets to facilitate the Corporations application to list on the NASDAQ big board. The information was sent to the shareholder in a press release. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 43]
Around October 3, 2006 my wife Anissa Jarrett took her restricted certificate to Merrill Lynch to open an account and have the brokerage firm complete a certificate exchange from Waatle Holdings to Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp. Merrill Lynch processed the account opening and proceeded to exchange the restricted certificate. [See Affidavit of Anissa Jarrett Exhibit 3]
On October 3, 2006 a company by the name of Ecowood, LTD via Michael Alexander put out an unauthorized press release stating that it was from negotiating with CHSD and proceeded to push his new company. The press release contained the following text; “Mr. Alexander has received independent values on the logs from an outside source, which put current market value approx, 75 billion USD. The cardoon credits current value are approximately 4 trillion USD. The current value of the titanium is yet to be determined die to the unknown sixes of the deposit. We have begun negotiating with Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp (OTC Bulletin Board: CSHD) for the management of our assets to make the most of this opportunity. We would also like to hear from anyone else interested in joint ventures or partnerships. We would be especially interested in hearing from environmentally friendly organizations and or advocates including by not limited to Bill Gates (MSFT), former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore and Leonardo Di Caprio to name a few. These individuals and their organization have like minded goals with our management for the environment' says Alexander."[SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 44]
Around October 4, 2006 Sabra Dabbs and Mitch Sepantiack went to Auruba to meet with the Caracus Group from Venezuela. They requested funds for the trip, SWIFT information for the company and a blank Funding Agreement; they stayed at the Aruba Marriot Resort and Stellaris Casino. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 45]
On October 16, 2006 CSHD received the completed year end AUDIT REPORT from the OUTSIDE AUDITOR Thomas Benson. The company then filed its 10-KSB with the Securities and Exchange Commission and informed the shareholders via a press release. The press release contained the following text; "CSHD would like to announce that today we filed our 10-KSB annual report... The total current issued shares of the corporation after the merger as of today; October 16, 2006 close of business is 103,135,657..." [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 46]
On August 24, 2006 the Securities Exchange Commission suspended the trading and filed a motion for temporary restraining order against Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp.
On October 26, 2006 I put out a press release commenting about the halt. The press release contained the following text; "On Tuesday, October 24, 2006 the Security and Exchange Commission suspended trading and filed a motion for temporary restraining order against Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp and Rufus Paul Harris. All documents will be on the CSHD's web site for each shareholder to review under tab SEC vs CSHD. I will be on around 9:30 tonight, Thursday, October 26, 2006 in a live broadcast to answer questions concerning the case. We will also start to release information in press releases and 8 k filings very soon, stated CEO Rufus Paul Harris" [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 47]
The following Exhibit #48 is the detailed Conversion Solutions Holdings Corp. future projects written by me. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 48]
The following Exhibit #49 is communications and or documentation with or from Darryl Horton to myself Rufus Paul Harris. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 49]

The following Exhibit #50 is communications and or documentation with or from the National Republican Congressional Committee to me, Rufus Paul Harris. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 50]
The following Exhibit #51 is communications and or documentation with or from Michael Alexander the Fronthaul CEO to me, Rufus Paul Harris. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 51]
The following Exhibit #52 is communications and or documentation with or from Sabra Dabbs to me, Rufus Paul Harris. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 52]
The following Exhibit #53 is the Conversion Solutions Inc. Directors and Officers approval of the SB-2 documentation to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. [SEE AFFIDAVIT EXHIBIT 53]

I, Rufus Paul Harris did not review and do not agree with the acknowledgement #1 that my absence was voluntary presented in the Motion to Reinstate Bond filed by Howard Manchel on July 5, 2011.
Submitted By,
Rufus Paul Harris