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06/24/05 7:52 PM

#491 RE: bottomfeeder #490

Actually, their online network is currently much smaller (as I understand it) than all of the barter exchanges that use their software (Bentley collect fees on both sides of a trade...maybe 4% of the trade dollar value on each side--from buyer and seller both--in cash. They also seem to collect trade dollars from some of these exchanges in return for some services.) Bentley is into corporate barter and they will do counter-trade (trade between countries if, the opportunity arises). They are essentially a facilitator and an enabler of trade exchanges through their software. They have swipe/debit cards for barter exchanges members to use...this makes transactions easier and tends to create more trading. They have "E3" which is their attempt to create a worldwide barter currency. Others are trying to do this too. It will take a while for online (24/7/365) barter to become ubiquitous, but IMO it is only a matter of time before it is...and it is only a matter of time before barter and all it's uses becomes understood by a critical mass of businesses and regular people around the world. When this occurs online barter will be huge! If, Bentley's stock price continues to strengthen...they will be that much closer to their goal of being the dominant player/facilitator of online barter worldwide. Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither was this company. It takes time. Perhaps, Bentley's time is finally here. We shall see.


06/24/05 8:06 PM

#492 RE: bottomfeeder #490

There are probably about 90 exchanges using Bentley's software and that are a part of their network. There are probably thousands of businesses associated with these exchanges (I believe figures for this are given in Bentley's PR's and should be found on their homepage. Each business is a member of a particular exchange eg: LA Barter. IMO, as Bentley the company grows stronger, more and more of the non-online exchanges will join the online network.