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10/11/11 3:08 PM

#4188 RE: repo9999 #4186

Really funny! But really dumb too. Its premise seems to be that all stocks, good, bad, or evil will go up and make money as long as nobody says anything bad about them...uh have they ever considered ACTUAL VALUE?

I'm going to type this real slow so I don't lose anybody...

Some corporations actually produce and sell something for more than it costs to make it, and this is what is called value added. This is the way that scrupulous people make money, even on the stock market. They get people to invest money to buy their stock, and in turn they produce something and sell it for more than they paid to produce it (or mine it). Some even pay dividends o:)

But when the producer (like SLGLF) is also the labour (like Garry's mining concern), they can pay all the would be profits to the labour (calling it increased production costs) and no value is added for the stock-holder (or in this case the "stuck-holder).

See how it works:)